Chapter 1 - Why?!

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     Hello. Let me start off by saying, My name is Alex, really its Alexandria but everyone usually people comes me Alex. I live in America (or what's left of it). Right about now I'm surrounded by giant raptor hawks with 2 guys, named Dylan and Jake, and my B.F.F. Angela in London. Wait wait wait, let's start the story from the beginning...

     I was up all night. I couldn't get any sleep, so I decided to take a shower 4:30 in the morning. After that it took me about 3 hours to pick out my outfit (you know because I'm a girl). I was told by my uncle, Frank, today was going to be a big day, I had no idea. My uncle is the "head" of my headquarters. He's my only livin' relative. I'm told to call him "Chief". Don't ask me why 'cause I don't know.

      Anyway I jumped into my brand new truck. It's bright blue and it has black leather seats. I drove for about 10 min. until I got there. I entered through a secret entrance. Once I was in I got inside i went down a long, narrow hallway, when I saw a cute dude with black hair and brown eyes. I think he name is Dylan. He's a... "desk boy" so to speak. As I traveled farther down the hall I crossed the break room and I went in," A little late today arn't you?" I smiled at my friend George and said," What are you talking about Georgy? I'm early today." I grabbed a muffin and started to walk out when George said," Hey Chief wants you!" " Okay!"

      My headquarters are a secret. You see, I can't tell you where it is because if I did then I would get shot with a dart. The "Headquarters" plan is to defeat an evil "jeanous", Dr.Crane. He's trying to destroy the world (so far he's doin' a bang up job).

       I went to my "boss's" office. When I entered the room he said," Alex you've always wanted a partner, right?" "No, that's Sharlene, Chief," "Well you are gettin' one!" "What?! But... but Frank!" "No! I don't want this nonsense. Dylan!!" He walked in, he was checkin' something on some papers, "Yeah?" "You're helpin' Alex." I groaned, but he said, "Okay sir." with a little pep in his voice. then he looked at me and winked, WINKED! Well I guess I know why, I'm cute, I have brown hair and emerald eyes. I was wearing camouflage colored jeans and a green shirt with an army jacket and knee-high leather boots with green laces, I said, " Uh, Dylan." I snapped in his face. "What?" Obviously still staring at me. I said, "Never mind, come on."

       We jumped into my truck. Just if you were wondering I'm 13, but if the world is crumblin' to pieces it doesn't matter how old you are (and there is no cops to arrest you if you go over the speed limit).

       Once we were on the road, I said,"Okay so you know how people think that unicorns are adorable creatures and what not," Dylan smirked," Yeah," "Well, they are actually evil." "Cool." "Um, honey not cool! How would you like it if a unicorn started eating your face off?" " I have decided that unicorns arn't cool anymore." "Yeah... well, guess what. We have to go kill a few." He cursed, so I slapped him. He said, " Why do we have to kill unicorns?" "Because they are terrorizing a nearby town."

        When we arrived I jumped out of my truck, Dylan followed. I know it seems wierd, but I think Dylan was staring at me, but he looked away when he saw that I noticed. Now that I got a better look at him he is really cute, with his wavy black hair and chestnut brown eyes. He was wearing jeans that perfectly, a tight red t-shirt and a black leather jacket wow... wait! WHAT AM I THINKING!!!!!!! Snap out of it Alexandria!!!!! " Um, Alex?" " What?!!" I must have startled him because he jumped. "We have company..." " Shoot." "Aaahhhhhh!" " What is it THIS time?!" I said irritably. " One bit me!" I couldn't help myself from saying, "Oh no! Unicorn bites are poisonous!"We yelled at each other while we climbed a tree to safety, "What?!" "Kidding!" "Oh I'm going to kill you!" " You can't kill me if we die." " Oh, shut up!" " Gosh, here sweetheart." I threw him a dagger. " What's this for?" "Stab the unicorns and if you can cut off their horns." "Okay so what are you going to use?" "This," I pulled out of my bag a blade made of silver as we stopped near the top. " Where might I ask did you get it?" "Oh, let's just say I have a friend who specializes in weaponry..." I smile.

        Okay so you know how unicorns are usually pretty and stuff, well... not in this fairytale. You see they have black fur, vampire teeth and magical horns, so if your'e lucky enough to get one (and have a friend like I mentioned earlier) than you can get it turned into a magical weapon. Unicorns are super hard to kill if you're not careful enough (but I wont tell Dylan that). 

        We decided to jump down from the tree and kill the unicorns for the village nearby (and my butt was gettin' numb). When we hit the ground Dylan went for the first stab before I could stop him, and like the idiot he is he cut himself in the arm! Uaagghhhh! So I swung at two, whhoooosh, I vaporized them and they turned to dust. Dylan tried again, crreet, he actually killed one. I was surprised. " Ahhh!" I screamed. "What happened?" I fell to the ground, but managed to say,"One bit me too." A red river was now streaming down my arm and both Dylan's arms, the one bit and the one cut. It seems as if it wasn't even affecting him at all, he was still standin' tall. There were still two left so I pulled it together (despite the horrible pain) and got up. Dylan stabbed one, pulled the knife out which was thrown in the air and he caught it and chopped off the horn. The other was charging from behind so I threw my dagger that was strapped to my side. I smiled, it pierced the beast's strong sturdy neck then turned into a puff of smoke. The amazed Dylan said,"Oh my Gosh! That was awe-" He looked at me then the knife wedged in the tree three feet away from him, I said,"What?" "You could've taken my head off!" "But I didn't! Owww." I fell to the ground for the second time. Dylan said,"What's wrong?" "WHAT'S WRONG?!! A FREAKIN' UNICORN SUNK IT'S VAMPIRE TEETH INTO MY LEG IS WHAT'S WRONG!!!! BRING Me the FIRST AID KIT!" I screeched, I was trying to calm down in case you didn't notice. "Okay, Mrs.Grouch." I smiled and said,"Well if I'm Mrs.Grouch then who is Mr.Grouch, hm?" He looked as if he wanted to say something, but instead of answering me he said,"Never mind." Very quiet. Okaaayy. He gave me the kit I cleaned my cut and wrapped a bandage around my leg. Then I fixed Dylan up, when I was putting the bandage on his arms I caught him starrin' again,"Why are you starrin' at me?" He seemed embarrassed, and turned away. 

          We jumped into my truck and hit the road. When Dylan got enough courage to speak again he said,"What now?" I was about to answer when I noticed someone following us. It was one of Dr.Crane's creeps. When I say "creeps" I mean giant lizard things." I think we found out," I said with a smile. "Hold on to something, we're going to lose them." When I sped up Dylan jerked back and said,"Oh my GOD!" We went around a curve. It looked like we lost them quickly. "Oh yeah!" Dylan yelled. I knew better than to feel relieved. Stupid Dylan. Leave it to him to ruin the illusion that we fell over a cliff, because back there was a broken rail and because I turned so sharply it knocked rocks off and we "fell"......BUT since Dylan yelled they were still followin' us,"You IDIOT! They thought we were dead!" "How?" I explained it to him slowly since he's so stupid, "Moron!" I backhanded him in the face. "Owwww!" I said,"Well... I guess it's time to press this." I pressed a red button and two rockets shoot out the back of the truck... and... 3... 2... 1... Boom! Dylan started laughing like a mad man so I said,"Shut up." He immediately did. 

          We drove until we were in NC. " Where are we?" I answered,"We are going to stay in that hotel." Not really answering the question. Hmph? Oh well, he'll live.

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