"Merida?" Niklaus murmurs gently, and I look up at him. "I can make the grief go away." He says, and I shake my head, leaning it against his shoulder.

"No. I have to remember this." I reply, scratching my cheeks, both of them now. As if I had developed a nervous habit over night. The wound on my cheek broke open again and bubbled with fresh blood. "I have to be strong." I say, and I wasn't sure if it was to reassure him, or myself to pick myself up. The sun was gone and the cool air made me shiver suddenly. "We've to bury him." I sit up, pulling myself to my wobbly legs. My dirty rich dress hanging around me. My riding boots still on my feet. Unknowing what I was doing, I grabbed the flower that had fallen from my hair, and add quietly. "Under the trees."


My gradual growth from child to adult seemed to pass by in a hurry. My lessons carried on, and everyone in the Kingdom had begun to gossip about the King's bastard. However, the vampire rumors died down as they began frequently using a form of compulsion to wipe the memory of their victims after they fed on them. The scare had subsided. However, Scotland itself found to be in a war.

England had made a firm strike against us. Sinking an entire flight of ships down to the very depths of the ocean. Our armies may be strong but we were few to compare against the hoards England had. And that was why there was talk amongst the Scotland Court about me. We needed to strengthen our allies now more than ever. Portugal's Prince was a month away from marriage with Penelope. That would signify the alliance there immediately. The ceremony would happen here.

The most frequent problem of alliances through marriage is many countries had only Princes. Few Princesses were left unbetrothed in Europe. Or this is what my Maids say as they comb my hair, and another finishes lacing my dress. I straighten up, feeling annoyance at their yapping mouths well up. Except I said nothing because I once was snapped at too many times by royals, and didn't want to be the same. So instead when the door opens I stand up, dismissing the girls. "Niklaus." I greet, not standing on formalities after a great deal of time knowing him. "What may bring you here?" I ask.

"I bring both good, and bad news." He tells me, inclining his head at me slightly. Formally and with a shared respect for one another. He had taken a great deal of raising me himself. Even compelled the King to leave my punishments for him to decide. Now that I had a tutor and no free time, however, I hadn't been up to much mischief as I use to.

Since his death, I'd grown up immensely. My sole purpose now was to prove myself. I was more worthy of the Royal title and riches than perhaps any of my siblings, and I'd be fourteen soon. The youngest age acceptable for marriage according to the Scottish Royal Court.

With all the rumors about my age and the onslaught of war that many feared might reach the castle, I was sure the King would take action to use me for allies. As there were many Princes.

"Come now, NiKlaus. Don't keep me guessing." Though my words were impatient and expecting, I smiled and clasped my hands together behind me, resting at the base of my back. My guardian smiles, admiring my royal blue dress in a sweep of his sky colored eyes. His hair was neatly combed to his shoulders.

"The good news, is the King hopes to betroth you to a Prince." He says, and I rose my eyebrows, though I wasn't surprised. The Scots had become to grow nervous at England's threats and the only way to cease their worries is by strengthening the country. By allying with stronger ones.

"I'll be made into a Princess." I say, sounding like I needed clarification.

"Of course. King Fergus has planned the coronation." NiKlaus answers, grinning and showing dimples. I arch an eyebrow.

"The bad news being..?" I ask.

"Scotland needs troops. Our armies are dwindling down by the minute. You've two choices between Princes. One being France, and the other, Sicily." He answers, walking around my Chambers and absently admiring the hanging tapestries and linings. "France has men. Lots of them. Their one of the strongest armies in Europe and have a rocky history with the English. They'd be steadfast allies. The Italians, however, have money like you wouldn't​ believe. Enough to build an army from the ground up. The King is hesitant to choose." NiKlaus looks at me. "If you wish I can persuade him which one you'll take hand in marriage."

Her Majesty // MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now