Lysander~ Which way?

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   When we got on the boat I knew that instant I would have to choose to try and date Roxanne or leave her and Frank happy, and I didn't want to heart them, or make her choose. I decided I needed to find Someone that would date me, so Roxanne wouldn't get the chance, or I couldn't go after her because I had a girlfriend. I looked around and my eyes fell on a beautiful red head, Lily. Lily was annoying and one of the taller Weasley potter girls, so I chose her.
   "Hey Lily" I smiled and said to lily, she instantly pulled her hair behind her ear and posed.
"Hi LyLy like what's up?" She said in a popular girl way making my face wrinkle with pain at the question I was about to ask
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I said flat out and really fast because I wanted to get it over with.
"Yesssss! Eeeeppppp!!!!" She squealed happily, and grabbed my hand, "we have to tell everyone!" She screeched
She dragged me around the rescue boat, telling all of her cousins then we came to Roxanne she looked at me and smiled, then she looked down at my hand to see Lily's with it, I saw her face turn from confusion to sadness, I saw it flood into her eyes as water started to fill her eyes she wiped her eyes and turned around to run off without saying a word.
    At that moment I realized that I had broken Roxanne's heart, I keep doing this. I think I'm afraid she might not feel the same way, so I push her away even though she dose feel the same. I always ruin everything good in my life. I couldn't let Frank kiss her again, It would be me with her. Now I just have to figure out how to tell her that, I though but then the boat stopped at the shore. People flooded out onto land, talking happily and finding there way to shelter, I sat on the shore thinking about what to say.

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