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d e l i l a h

Creak, I quietly opened the door-must I say, tried to. I slipped out of my bedroom and dashed to the kitchen, making breakfast as fast as I could or else-

"Delilah! Where's my goddamn food?" His voice boomed through the silent house. That was answer enough to why I had to cook fast.

With fear in the depths of my heart, I clumsily grabbed his breakfast and placed it in front of him.

When his eyes laid onto the fish and chips, I silently hoped that the dish was to his liking. Getting another bash in the face wasn't really something I would wish for.

Unfortunately, today just wasn't my day as a familiar kick was sent to my abdomen. My hair was then pulled as attended wounds were opened thus making me scream from the elicit pain at my scalp.

"What is this crap? You're just as stupid as your mother," He was in rage, this monster in front of me with his bloodshot eyes staring right back at me. My heart then tore at what he said, mother did a lot for us but he just couldn't appreciate all she had done.

Without warning, he tightened his grip on my hair and dragged me outside. Once he let go of my hair, he started to throw punches and sent kicks to my slight figure, barely able to withstand his monstrous strength. I was just his punching bag, nothing more.

After what felt like hours of pain and torture, he stopped and with his menacing eyes that could kill. "Get out, now!" He didn't have to repeat. I was already up on my feet, running.

I wiped of the remnants of the tears off my face, knowing that new tears will soon emerge. My heartbeat rang in my ears, getting quicker as I ran.

Though this was nothing new, I couldn't get used to it. The pain was unbearable, I tried so hard to be strong however it was too much to handle.

Dread washed over me at the sight of school. I, like a bat out of hell, ran to the woman's washroom and applied concealer on my bruises and wounds. This has become a routine at school, act like I'm alright to not raise any questions.

▪ ▪ ▪

"If you dare report this to the government or anybody, I wouldn't be hesitant in killing your pitiful self," He furiously snared, holding on tightly to my already bruised neck.

"You would die a slow and cruel death, got it?" He whispered as my tears were bound to escape.

▪ ▪ ▪

I shook my head vigorously, getting rid of the flashback. I looked at myself in the mirror and hastily wiped off the tears pooling in my brown orbs, that was once full of life.

I took a deep breath and mustered a smile before going out, knowing I would barely survive this.

During the first few periods, it went well, nobody did anything to me yet. It was too good to be true but I hope that this could maybe be my lucky day.

It was a free period, I decided to walk to our library. Alas, my wishes were all in vain when two familiar guys stood in front of me. "Did you miss us?" Luke questioned, lifting my head by the chin with his finger.

I remained silent, daring myself to look back into Luke's wicked eyes. I silently hoped that they would not do anything rash as we were in the school's parking lot.

"Playing hard to get, aye, well let's see if you can keep silent after this!"

It was all too fast for me to comprehend when Mike's fist made contact with my already bruised stomach, so strong that it sent me flying back to the car behind me.

I cried thus making the duo laugh.

Why me?

That same question popped into my mind.

What did I do to deserve this?

"Not so tough now, ain't you?" Mike snickered when suddenly another blow was sent to my stomach.

"Oh, poor little girl, now why can't you answer us?," Luke asked, obviously knowing the answer to that question but I certainly knew it was just to make fun of me.

"Oh ya, how can I forget, it's because, you're just a mute lil' bitch!" Mike answered and started to do random hand gestures. It's painful to see them remind me how different I was to them, I wasn't normal. Though being mute didn't bother me, it made me feel insecure just because of their insistent burlesque.

Then they continued, kicks that sent extreme pain to my abdomen resulting in my shrill cries.

It went on forever until my vision was a mixture of black and white spots. Not long after, darkness engulfed me, and I wordlessly hoped that maybe this time, it will stay that way, at least then, it will stop me from feeling all this pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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