The arrival Part 1

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Over the summer my mother and I decided to move, there was just much chaos going on in our lifes we needed to start fresh because of what daddy had done we just coudn't stay in New York anymore. My mother decided it would be best if we moved back to a mysterious town called Riverdale. To be honest i didn't want to leave NY, it was my home. Leaving and going somewhere knew felt like it was being taken away from me. But I had no other option, where else was i supposed to go?

As I enter 'Riverdale' , the first place where i head to is POPPS' the place was quite lonely i heard echos through as i was walking through the booths as i turned to my left i see the most handsome ginger i have ever seen. I walked right up to him, though he wasnt alone he was with very beautiful blode girl. At first i was to shy to go up to say "hello" or somehing else, but i realized that if i didn't i would miss my moment.

I approached him with a smile on my face, it didn't take him long to smile back at me. I never thought i would ever meet someone like him his smile was pretty contagious i couldn't get enough of him, but i had to leave because the girl he was with seemed pretty bothered that i was there it seemed to me as if she were in love with him. I didn't wan't to bother them, it looked as if they were having a lot fun at the booth just taking about what they did during there summer, not gonna like I sorta I felt kind of jealous to see them so close together. I felt like a third wheel there just standing trying to make a conversation, I felt awkward so I just decided it was time for me to get going.

I turned to him and he shyly said "would you like me to walk you home?" I generously accepted, then I wondered could I possibly have a chance with him? I know it seems selfish because the girl he was with looked like she was pretty into him. I could never do that, at least not no. As he got up from the booth to walk me home I turned to him and looked at him straight in the eye and told him "its too late now for you to walk me home now, my mom is waiting outside for me. You should walk your friend home." I left things as they were and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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