Chapter 24: Come back to me

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I look outside the window overlooking New York. It has been almost two months since Bucky's disappearance and there has been no sign of him. Tony offered me a room in Stark Tower after expressing his worry of leaving me alone in the empty Brooklyn apartment, so here I am.

Steve was overjoyed with the news of my pregnancy but worried that Bucky would not make it back in time for the baby's birth. My hand trails over my slightly bumped stomach as I watch over the city.

"A-are you okay, ma'am?"

"What did I tell you, Peter?" I object, "My name is Josephine."

"Oh- yeah- sorry." He stutters slightly.

After a while of persuading, Peter finally revealed his identity and now works at Stark Tower as an apprentice for Tony. Pepper and him are having problems and I decided I didn't want to risk Tony becoming lonely while Pepper is away on a break from their relationship, so I convinced Tony to upgrade the SpiderMan suit and give Peter an apprenticeship. Since then, Peter has become a good friend, almost like a little brother to me.

"But are you actually okay? Ever since I met you, you've just been... a little... sad." He expresses his worry for me, as everyone has been lately.

"I'm fine, Pete. I'm just waiting." I state, my eyes still not leaving the city and my hand not leaving my stomach.

"For the dad?" He assumes, I see him gesturing to my stomach in the reflection of the window. I nod slightly, enough for him to see. I hear him walk towards me to stand next to me, "I dunno who he is or what he's done but he will come back, I just know it."

I sigh, "He's done some bad stuff but it wasn't his fault. Never his fault. And now some bad guys are after him and I don't know when I'll see him again." I blink tears away, trying to keep myself calm despite my worry, "Steve will find him, Bucky was his best friend so he knows him well enough to find where he is hiding."

"Wait... Bucky? You mean Bucky Barnes? Woah- like sorry if this is a bad time but that is cool- didn't he die in World War Two?" Peter's eyes widen with excitement and curiosity. I laugh slightly, the dramatic moment ruined.

"He was frozen and survived because he was experimented on."

"Woah, that is awesome- I mean- not for him 'cause he was probably tortured and stuff but- still." I laugh again, my mood improved by Peter- just being Peter.

"Mr Stark is wondering if you would like anything while he is out, Miss Pierce?" Jarvis asks from the speakers.

"Pancakes please." I smile sadly still looking out the window before sitting on my bed, the one that is too big and too empty for my liking, "And please Jarvis, my name is Josephine."

"Of course, my apologies, Josephine." Jarvis says as Peter walks to sit next to me.

I sigh and lean my head on Peter's shoulder. I have grown tired of waiting.

"You okay?" Peter asks, his head turning to look at me before looking back out the window and leaning his head atop of mine.

I am silent for a few minutes, "Can you help me find him, Pete?"

He stiffens, "B-but you- you're pregnant! What if the baby gets hurt!? What if you get hurt?"

"I trust you not to let anything hurt me or the baby." I lift my head to look at him.

"J-Josephine, I don't know if I can do that..." He shakes his head, "That's a lot- a lot- of responsibility to put on me."

"I know, I'm sorry for even suggesting it." I rub my face with my hand, fingers covering my eyes before pinching the bridge of my nose, holding back tears with a frown.

"It's okay. Worry makes you irrational." He stands up, "You want a coffee?"

"Please." I say thoughtfully, my eyes trained on the reflection in the glass. Peter walks out of my room.

I'm not alone anymore. I'm not just looking out for just me anymore. There is two of us now. I can't just go MIA without a second thought. I have to think about the future. I have to think about Peter, Tony and everyone else. I have to think about my baby. I narrow my eyes at the face in the glass, my decision made. This kid needs Bucky just as much as they need me.

I stand up taking out a black backpack from under my bed, going to the wardrobe I pull out clothes and stuff them in the bag. I throw on my oversized black hoodie and zip it up, one bag strap over my right shoulder. I sneak out of the room, careful not to make a sound as I can hear Peter pouring the boiled water into a mug in the kitchen. I quickly slip into the elevator, pressing the ground floor button.

"Miss Pierce?" Jarvis questions, "Do you want me to inform Mr Parker of your departure?"

"No thanks, Jarvis." I say, "He'll find out soon enough anyway."

The elevator doors open and I think for a moment before dropping my phone. Tony might have put a tracker in it just in case. I can't risk it. Without looking back I run out of the elevator and out the front door onto the street.

My legs slow to a walk as I pull my hood up, keeping my head down. If Crossbones is after Bucky, he's probably still after me too. I have to be careful. I cross the street, only now realising I have absolutely no clue where I am going. Where would Bucky go? No. That's what everyone is thinking, Bucky is smarter than that. He would go somewhere that is hard to find, somewhere that only a few people would know to look.

A place pops into my head. It's only a hunch but it is something. With that I push my way down the street to the nearest airport.

Crying to the Sky // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now