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 Chains slithered acros the floor in harmony as they mercilessly kept what they were holding in check.

That's what they called her.




She didin't exactly even have a name. She was only an experiment, after all. A product of the long line of other products that came before her.

She was Experiment 757.

The door behind her clanged open, the sound bouncing off of the walls. She turned around, long green hair framing her face. Black eyes with glowing yellow pupils scrutinized her visitors.

"Experiment 757. You have been requested."

She turned to face the guards completely now, arms crossed, head cocked. Ready for any judgemental onslaught the day had to offer. Her usual defensive approach.

"Rrrrrequssted? By whom?"

Ah, another fun little outcome of a mad scientists' toying. Her teeth never allowed her to pronounce anything without a bit of a growl, a strange, rumbling accent.

"A sort of Earthly reformation initiative. A place they call 'Auradon'."

"Earrrthly? As in the dwelling of Experrrriment 626?"

"Not exactly there, but on the planet. That's enough with the questions, 757. Come with us."

They always cut things short when Experiment 626 was mentioned. Reasonably so, considering he was one of the only aliens that actually managed to escape one of the most top-notch prisons in the galaxy. Not only that, but and EXPERIMENTAL alien. A highly dangerous, unstable, unnatural creature. 

Like her.

The chains fell from worn wrists. Codes were entered. Doors slid open. Guards carefully huddled around the prisoner as she stepped into the hallway. The prisoner allowed a tiny, unnoticed smile.

Experiment 757 was free.

And all would pay for what they did to her. She just had to wait.

The Experimental DogcatcherWhere stories live. Discover now