Chapter 1

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Four years ago

Meera, a young enthusiastic girl whose life was surrounded with her friends and family. Being the only girl in her house, she was pampered one most by her two elder brothers and her parents. Meera was life of her house. Her chirpy voice and her laughter would make every morning in house like a celebration.

“Meera at least have your breakfast..” said Meera’s mother looking anxiously at meera who was busy in getting ready for her collegeMeera knew she was already late and that was as usual.

No Mom.. I can’t, I am already too late. Shekhar would be outside waiting for me. He has to drop me to college today and you know how particular he is about time.”Meera chuckled and ran outside kissing her mother’s forehead.

Shekhar was already outside Meera’s house. A serious man who knew importance of every minute in his life. He knew Meera would be late as usual but he didn’t mind waiting for her as she was his only friend perhaps and somewhere even more than that. They were both miles apart in nature but yet they knew each other so well. Even they didn’t know when and how they became best friends. Though unlike Shekhar, Meera had many friends. She was an extrovert who loved making new friends but still shekhar was someone whom she connected the most and knew that he is a friend that she can count on throughout her life.

Meera came running to his car and as she came a smile spread across Shekhar’s face. Meera opened the door and sat in front seat nearly losing her breath.

“I know I know..I am very late. I am so sorry..”Meera looked at Shekhar apologetically.

But Shekhar gave her slight smile saying “I don’t mind waiting for you..

Meera laughed “Let’s go before we get ourselves out of class today.

Shekhar started his car and they drove to their engineering college which was quite at a distant from Meera’s house. On the way Meera started her nonstop talks on yesterday’s events at home, the way she teased her brother Nikhil about his new girlfriend and how she imitated her dad reaction only to be caught by him later. Shekhar enjoyed this drive so much with her and her talks. He used to often feel that this journey could be everlasting as these were the only moments where he could just forget all his worries, his responsibilities. He had a lonely childhood being the only son of his mother, his father had left them long ago and married again. What fun it was to have so many relations in your life, he learnt it from Meera only.Soon their journey ended and as Shekhar parked his car.Meera ran in full speed saying- “Will meet you in class ,have to submit my assignment to physics teacher before she leaves for her class”.Shekhar just sighed wishing journey could have been a little longer.

Meera was quite popular in the college. She was an all rounder – good in studies , good in cultural activities, a prankster and one of the prettiest girl in the college. No doubt every boy in the college wanted to be her friend.

It was first day of new semester , Meera and Shekhar reached on time. But as usual Shekhar took first row seat and Meera went back to join her backbenchers gang. Everyone got the news of some new students joining as many diploma students joined the college in second year.

Four of five new joinees were already in the class and Amit Sir , the class teacher had started marking attendance and introducing newcomers to the class.

“We have some new inclusions in the class from today ,I can see those new faces. Welcome to class students, I was told they were 5, but I can see only 4, where is the 5th one…”

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