Starting Over Again (A PTX Fanfiction)

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Chapter 1

Laughter. How she hated the sound of it. Funny how everything annoys you whenever you feel like crap. Exhaling a deep breath, she willed herself to get inside their tour bus.

'One foot at a time Kirstie. You can do this. Act like nothing is wrong.' Her face now empty of emotion, she went to where her group was.

Kevin's smiling face greeted her. "Oh hey Kirst! Finally! You won't believe what Scott did this morning! He..." She spaced out. She couldnt hear anything. She could only see Kevin laughing while he was telling her the funny story. 'Weird, he laughs just like him...'


"No! Stop! Ahhhhh!" She could hardly breathe from squealing so loudly. Snow. They were playing in the snow. She was being tackled by him.

"Haha! Got you! Tickle bomb!" Laughter. Oh glorious sound of laughter that made everything so beautiful in her life. She love him. He was her world and vice versa.

"Noo! Haha!" He finally released her but he remained on top of her. He looked at her like the way she would look at her macaroni or puppies. Only, there was so much more in his eyes. So much more she couldnt name. And she couldnt look away. He was inching closer. Closer. Until all she could feel was his warm lips on her cold ones.


"Kirstie?" Kevin's worried voice brought her back to reality. "Are you okay?"

She blinked. Only then did she realized that she had silent tears streaming down her face.

'Oh much for pretending..' "Uh..haha! Yeah! I'm fine!" She lied while hastily wiping her wet cheeks.

"You're crying." Mitch said bluntly.

"You're not fine." Avi injected moving beside her.

"What's wrong?" Scott arms immediately went around her. Hugging her like a warm security blanket.

"Nothinggg...i just......i just remembered something.." She pushed Scott's arms away. For as much as she would have liked to be comforted, she didn't want to worry her friends. She looked at them with a forced smile.

"I'm fine. Just tired." she smiled again and proceeded to her own bed. Her friends casting her a worried look all the while.

"Hey girl, you do know that we're here if ever you need anything, right?" Mitch with his soft brown eyes shining with worry, asked her.

"Yeah. Of course! Thanks you guys! Nothing a sleep wont fix!" Sleep. Her escape from reality. From the heart break. How she wished everything will be right again when she wakes up.

Fortunately, no one said anything. But their eyes told her of their growing concern. Oh her boys. Her protective boys. She'll explain everything to them later, but for now....sleep..


AN: Comments will be very much appreciated. And I'll be exploring each of their personalities as the story progresses. Hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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