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Boromir was always so worried lately, you could read it in the tension of his shoulders as he leant against the wall overlooking the night life of the white city.

You let out a sigh through your nose and approach him silently, a gentle hand resting against the small of his back as you stood next him. "Stop thinking, you're making my head hurt."

Boromir hardly reacted to you, his gaze locked ahead. "It is warmer inside."

"But you are out here." You replied quietly, your hand trailing lightly up and down his back. "Which is all the comfort I need."

Boromir sighed. "My love, please..."

"My comfort is your comfort," You said, taking his hand in yours and starting pull him away from the wall. "So stop being ridiculous and come here."

"Y/N..." He tried to resist your pull, but clearly was fighting himself on whether or not he should.

"I'm not taking no Boromir." You said lightly. "So you can keep walking unless you want me to go out all alone?"

This made his decision, his hand tightening in yours as he matched your pace, earning a smile from you.

Boromir was still lost in his own thoughts though, paying little attention to where you were leading him. He did frown though as you ducked through a large tunnel in the outskirts of the city.

"Where are we-"

"Hush and trust me."

You came out outside the city, the light soon twinkling behind you.

"Love, we are not armed." Boromir was tensing next to you and you made a disapproving noise.

"I assure you, we need not be." When he gave you a disbelieving look, you raised an eyebrow. "I come out here regularly Boromir. We are perfectly safe."

Still not looking convinced, Boromir remained on guard as you walked.

The stars shone brightly overhead, lighting the way through the steadily thickening forest, but you did not need them, having taken this path more than a few times.

When a small clearing appeared, Boromir was frowning again and refused to let you step out first, gauging the area, although he was stopped short at the sight of the lake before him, reflecting the stars above, giving an ethereal glow.

"How did you find this?" He asked quietly.

"Faramir." You joined him, staring at the water. "He saw how troubled I was in your absence and brought me here."

"Remind me to thank him." Boromir breathed, his shoulders relaxing.

You giggle a little. "Again?"

Boromir gave you a sidelong look before he pulled you quickly into his arms, his head resting against yours. "Yes. Again. He did so much for me, something I can never repay him for."

"I'm pretty sure he viewed it as returning a favour to you for all these years." You grinned at him. "Must you two always be so indebted to each other?"

"We are brothers, it's what we do." He kissed you gently. "Now, what was it that lovers do?"

You laughed as he started to pepper you face and neck with kisses, trying to struggle free from his arms. "Look after one and other."

Boromir pauses and holds your gaze, a gentle, loving smile coming to him, his worry fading away and shoulders relaxing fully. "That we do love, that we do." With that, he pressed his lips fully to yours and there were no more worries of the night to be had.

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