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Thorin looked up from his place in camp and frowned. "Where's Y/N?"

Everyone looked around, several of them shrugging, causing Thorin to scowl. "No one thought to go after her?"

"She'll be okay Thorin, she's proven herself." Bofur said cheerfully. "I'm sure she won't be too far, she's smarter than that."

Thorin sighed and got up, heading in the direction of where he knew they had found a stream earlier, hoping that that had been where you had headed.

Half way there, he was stopped by you heading back.

"Oh, Thorin!" You smiled widely. "I was just coming to see you."

Thorin folds his arms. "After wandering around by yourself?"

You rolled your eyes and made a clear indication of resting your hand on the weapon at your belt. "Please, I'm armed, I'm fine, and I wasn't that far from camp." You nod back at the way you came. "Come on, I want to show you something."

You moved before he could say anything, making him sigh heavily and follow after you.

It wasn't long before he could make out the sound of rushing water and he stopped next to you to stare at the white pool, the water pouring in fast from the small waterfall off a higher level of rocks.

"This is what you wanted to show me?" He asked incredulously.

"What? Don't appreciate nature?" You asked, smirking at him as you turn and walk around the edge of the frothy pool.

"Of course I do, but this is just a little unnecessary given the journey we are on." He growled a little. "We will have all the time in the world after all this to do whatever we want."

"Now Thorin, we both know that's not true." You said and crouched by the water to test it with your hand. "It's quite warm actually."

He stared at you, frowning. "Are you suggesting that we need a bath?"

You chuckle lightly and give him a gentle look. "Oh Thorin. Don't be so oblivious all the time, it's rather annoying."

Thorin shakes his head. "I am not, I am a trained warrior, I don't have the luxury to be oblivious."

Your smile told him that you didn't believe him and he watched as you walked back over to him. "Really? Because I'm pretty sure that that is precisely what you are doing."

"Y/N, if you intend to continue to talk in riddles, you are doing a good job." He said, folding him arms again. "So state it plainly so we can head back to camp instead of wasting time."

You sigh. "My dear Thorin, I am trying to get you to see what I see, and trying to get you to have a little fun while you still can. None of us will judge you on it."

"That is a luxury I can't afford, we need to-"

He is stopped as you stepped closer, resting a hand on his chest. "As I said, oblivious."

With a small shove, Thorin found himself falling backwards, the water hitting him quick and he spluttered to the surface only to hear you laughing, and he saw you buckled over, laughing hard, laughing even harder as he scowled and shoved a handful of hair out of his face.

"Stop laughing," He growled as he waded over to the bank. "I mean it."

If anything, this just made your laughter continue and you wiped your eyes, trying to control it as he stepped out of the water, weighed down heavily by his clothes.

"You are lucky that the nights aren't cold yet." He said, trying to squeeze the water out of his clothes.

"All you had to do was see what I see, then I wouldn't have had to prove your obliviousness." You giggle, still wiping your eyes. "Was the water as pleasant as it felt?"

Thorin paused what he was doing and looked at you, a sudden mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, it's hard to describe, I think you should try it for yourself."

You squealed as he suddenly grabbed you and pushed you into the water.

He watched you smugly from the shore. "I may be oblivious, but you clearly were unprepared."

Surprising him, you grinned from the water. "See, now that wasn't too hard was it?" He frowned, making you laugh. "Come on Thorin, jump in and join me already before I get too frustrated and have to straight out say it."

Thorin stared at you before something slowly clicked as he watched you shrug off your coat in the water and throw it on shore, quickly followed by your weapon. Smiling, he threw off his own coat and followed.

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