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"Edmund! Catch the ball!"
The ball drops beside Edmund, however, Edmund didn't grab the ball, he was reading.
He did not understand how his siblings could enjoy their afternoons with such lame games.
At this moment only Peter was doing some sort of throwing and catching, on his own.

"Come on little bro play along." Peter whined.

Edmund shook his head 'no'.

"Ask our sisters." He had said, not bothering to look up from his book. He knew Peter was groaning anyway.

"Noo, we cannot! We're braiding each other's hair!" both Susan and Lucy protested.

Peter sighed.

"Fine then."

He gave up and sat down on the grass and took a moment to think  about what the professor had said to him.

He knew he shouldn't doubt his sister but his disbelief in fauns and magical worlds was too big to believe her.
He had always learned to think rationally.
He couldn't let his siblings suddenly believe in fairytales? They had luckily been able to escape the war but he was almost feeling anxious, not wanting his siblings to start getting lunatic.

Suddenly Lucy stands up. Peter looked up and saw that Lucy's hair was completely done. One cute braid on each side of her face.

"Uhhm, I have to go." She says, and ran inside.
It somehow seemed a little suspicious.

"Me too." Edmund says shortly and after that quickly chased her inside.

Lucy ran to the closet, and opened it.
She was excited, the wardrobe would being her to another world. A world where it was so cold and yet so beautiful. Where she had one other best friend, besides her siblings.

She went inside, and pushed through all the coats again. After picking one out to wear, she came out in the winterly Narnia.

Meanwhile, Edmund had been thinking about what Lucy said, and he  decided to chase her, maybe Lucy was indeed right, maybe there was a magical land behind this wardrobe.

He followed her a little while after as she stepped into the closet moments ago.

She didn't return. It had to be real. He hesitates for a moment but then stepped forward.
Suddenly, he falls into the snow.


He looks around and gasps. Lucy was right after all.
He had not expected this magnificent sight. It looked ridiculously amazing, the nature was beautiful showing itself off like a winter wonderland.

"Lucy? Where are you?" He yells while walking around in circles for a bit. Which direction could she have gone to?

He yells her name for another few times, but then gave up.

All of a sudden he saw a white sleight.
It came in his way and stopped right in front of him. A little creature jumped off and walked to him. He then saw it was a dwarf, who held a sword in front of him.

"Stop?!?! I didn't do anything!" Edmund said shocked.

"Let him go." A voice which belonged to a female said.

"Come here." She said, and Edmund came to her, after all, she saved him from the somewhat terrifying dwarf. He was happy he could be out of the way of that dwarf.

Edmund saw the crown on the female's head, and he instantly kneeled down. He was in an unknown land and he wanted to make a good impression.

"Come here, you must be very cold... Human." She smiled, her hand reached out to him.

The boy nodded, and took her hand gracefully as climbed up to sit beside her.

"Here, some hot chocolate." She opened her ring and tapped on it releasing powder that fell from down. The dwarf picked the now-turned-in-hot-chocolate thing up and gave it to Edmund. He was amazed. This was pure magic!

He thanked the women.

"So human boy, tell me, how did you come here?"

"Uhmm... I was chasing my sister because she told about this land and a faun, I followed her through the closet." He explained.

"A sister? With how many are you? And what about the faun?"
She was looking straight at him and he felt a little uneasy.

"We're with four, miss. Yes a faun, he was... Uhhm... His name was... Tumnus, yes! Mr. Tumnus."

"Hmm, Mr. Tumnus." She smiled wickedly at the dwarf.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Yes, actually I am, do you have some turkish delight?" He asked straight away.

The white witch laughed.
"Yes, for a king like you I have some."

"A... A king, I am no king? Peter is the oldest!"

"You will be a king, and a king needs servers and waiters right?"

Edmund actually felt liked. His jealousy power was taking him from thinking straight. He had never felt anything like this before, did she genuinely like him?

"Could I have the turkish delight now please?"

"First, promise me you'll get your siblings over here, and do you see that castle over there... That's where home is, you four are welcome there!" She had pointed to a massive castle which was to be seen above the forest.

Edmunds nods.

"Here's your turkish delight, my boy."

After enjoying his treat, he gets out the sleight and they say goodbye.

His plan was settled. He had to get his siblings to visit her as soon as possible. He was going to be a king.
But he must not make it look like he was crazy.

When he returned back to the place where the opening of the closet should be, he sees Lucy.

"Ed! You're here, now you see? It is real!" She yelled, and hugged him.

"Yes." He whispered, still thinking about him being the only king ruling over this land.


Once they were back, lucy ran to Peter and Susan. They sat in one of the libaries.

"It is real, Ed saw it too, he was there as well!" Edmund just walked in when Lucy said that.

"LuLu, please stop with the jokes!" Susan groaned. Still not believing her sister.

"Is she right?" Peter asked Edmund, actually giving Lucy a change. After all, the professor had told him to give her a chance.

"Do you trust her? She's a child from 7 years, are you crazy? She just has dreamed it." Edmund said. He needed more time to get his siblings to come with him. He couldn't tell him the truth yet, even though he knew it would hurt his dear little sister.

"Like you always say the truth!" Lucy snapped, then ran away, crying again.

"Asshole!" Peter cursed, he shot Edmund an angry look. Both Peter and Susan got up from their chairs and ran over to wherever Lucy had gone off to.

Edmund shrugged, he did not care anymore what Peter would think of him, he would be king very soon.

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