ten - hot and cold

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Hot and cold. That's how I feel when I peel my eyes open the next morning.

Hot, because it has to be at least 100 degrees in this damn tent and I'm wrapped up in a blanket cocoon. Cold, because today is probably the day and the events from the night before are forcing unwanted emotions equivalent to ice in my veins.

Screw Luke Hemmings.

I don't even know what to feel anymore.

I climb out of the tent with a sigh, rubbing my eyes at the sun rising in the distant clouds. The layer of smoke still hasn't totally receded. The air is sour, and I subconsciously put a hand up to my nose to check for blood. Nothing yet.

It's early. Too early. Camp is relatively quiet, and not everybody is up yet.

"Morning, sunshine." A voice says, and I turn around to see Ashton. He's sitting by a makeshift fire, a food packet in his hand. His face is streaked with dirt, his brown curls tied back on his head. It's obvious he's been up to something.

"You've been busy." Is all I say, lowering myself down across from him. I grab a food packet from one of the designated bags, breaking it open and pouring half of my water jug into it. The sweet smell of oatmeal fills my nose.

"Yeah, been working out all night. Trying to figure out how to use one of those swords." He takes a bite out of his packet. "Not as easy as it looks."

"Mhm." I reply, too caught up in how deliciously soft the oatmeal feels in my mouth. It's sweet and salty, the perfect mix. My stomach rumbles.

"What about you? You look like somebody just ran over your dog."

I look up at him, and raise an eyebrow. "Well, excuse me if I'm a bit worried about finding my families mutilated corpses in a couple of hours. You know, no big deal." My voice isn't kind.

Ashton swallows. "Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I forgot."

"What about you?" I ask. "Aren't you a least a little worried about your family?"

Ashton's expression turns dark. "No, actually. I pray every night they're suffering with radiation poisoning coursing through their veins. But, you know, no big deal."

Yikes. I'm not very good at beating around the bush lately.

Thankfully, my ordeal last night has left me relatively armored against this kind of thing for the time being. "Yeah." I say, chewing on my oatmeal. "No big deal."

Before any more awkward conversation can ensue, Ivy appears. She's already in gear, with tight black pants and her two swords strapped to her back. Her blonde hair falls freely down her shoulders. She looks totally alert and awake, as always.

"We're heading out within an hour." She says, taking a swig of the water jug in her hand. "Be ready, alright?"

Something tells me she doesn't just mean being packed.

"Yeah, got it." I reply, and she turns back to wake the others.


After only thirty minutes of walking, it's clear we're entering dangerous territory.

Mutant after mutant stumbles out of almost every structure we encounter. They're slow but not slow enough, and every time a soldier decapitates one another comes out. Eventually we just keep moving, hoping to outrun the poor souls. They're constantly behind us, at least a hundred yards away, but still behind us. It only adds to my growing anxiety.

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