seven - veins

266 14 8

Every little thing you do, every tiny seed you scatter
Blooms an orchid garden in my mind



Once again, I wake up to screaming.

My body immediately leaps into consciousness, my hand shooting down to the handle of the knife protruding from my boot. It only takes me a few seconds to realize that the screaming is coming from Zay, who is writhing and shaking beside me.

The veins in his forehead and neck are protruding and prominent, his chest off the ground as he continues to scream and thrash around like he's possessed. The wounds on his shoulder are seeping blood through the bandage, his fists clenched. I just stare at him for several long moments, not exactly processing what the hell is going on, before the tent flap rips open and Ivy stumbles in.

"What the-" She starts, before her face pales and she lets go of the weapon already in her hand. "Oh no."

My thoughts finally catch up with my muscles and I roll over, grabbing onto Zay's shoulders and trying desperately to push them down while Ivy tries to get him to open his eyes. She shakes him, slaps him, shouts at him and grabs at him until he jerks awake and sits up so hard he knocks his forehead to hers and sends her flying backwards.

Multiple accounts of swearing ensue. Zay looks around frantically, his pupils blown wide, before he stills and falls back down into the blanket again.

"Jesus, Xavier, what the hell?" Ivy snaps, her hand on her forehead.

Zay doesn't answer. He's breathing hard, the veins in his forehead beginning to turn a dark purple. His chest is heaving, blood streaming from his nose. Worry flares up in my chest.

Ivy seems to notice that something is seriously wrong, because she screams for Calum and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the tent before I can even make a sound in protest.

"Ivy, what is-"

"Just stay back Alex." She interrupts me, and Calum comes running up beside her. He obviously just woke up. The sun has risen, but only barely. Ivy jerks the flap of the tent open and shoves Calum inside.

I can't help it, I run to Jess and Ash's tent and throw open the flap, grabbing their feet and shaking. Ashton jerks awake almost like Zay did, holding his hands up like some karate master.

"It's Zay, something's wrong." I say lowly, before turning around and hurrying back to the scene.

Evidently the commotion woke up the entire camp, because when I get back everybody is standing in a semi circle around the tent like an audience. Luke is in the center with Michael, standing in front with crossed arms and a furrowed brow. Not being able to take it anymore, I shove my way through the crowd and push pass Luke to get to the front of the tent. His hand on my wrist stops me.

"Alex, I don't think you should-"

"Let go of me." I hiss under my breath, jerking my arm out of his grip to turn around and push my way into the tent. The sight in front of me only adds to the rising nausea in my gut.

Zay is leaned over, heaving up black and green sludge. His hand is on his bare stomach, which is a sick purplish color, along with the rest of his skin. His eyes are red and bloodshot. My chest tightens.

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