-Chapter 14-

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-Lisa's P.o.v-
(Skip to 7 months pregnant)
I was reading a book to Scarlett when I felt something wet in my pants I jumped up "Scarlett get mine phone"I said she ran downstairs and got my phone I walked downstairs "mama is it time"asked scarlet

She when up and got the diaper bag pillow blanket and her toys then she put them in the car I called Sarah she's dating Dylan now if you don't remember her she's the nurse that helped with Danny

"Is it time"asked Sarah when she answered "yes it's time hurry"I said and I hung up I when to my room and changed (outfit above) I got my shoes on Scarlett got hers one and we when downstairs Sarah was knocking on the door

I let her in and she picked Scarlett up "everything's in the car"said I said we got in Danny's truck Sarah drove (skip to the hospital)

Sarah when and got a wheelchair I got out of the truck and in the wheelchair Scarlett gave Sarah some bags and we three ran in

(Skip to after the birth) I finally held my little girl "what's her name lisa"asked the doctor "sky rose Murillo that's her name"I said looking at her she was crying

The nurse cleaned her off then I got her dressed "does Danny know"asked Sarah "no I'm gonna surprise him on tour"I said I got up and got dressed Scarlett gave sky a stuff animal it was a rainbow unicorn cat I got my shoes on and I put her in her car seat and we got the other stuff and left.

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