-Chapter 4-

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-Lisa's P.o.v-
(2 years later)
Me and Danny when out for dinner and the beach it was a date the first date we had in a year but Danny was acting weird

We got to the restaurant we took are seats and order are food and drinks, "why have you been acting weird"I asked "I'm not acting weird whatcha talking about"asked Danny

"You just been acting weird since we started this date do you what to go home"I asked "no I'm fine just got butterflies that's all"said Danny

"Okay drink some soda you'll fell better"I said he got a drink and are food came we ate and talked Danny could not stop smiling after the meal

Danny paid and we left "beach"said Danny "sure"I said we walked to the beach holding hands i could feel someone following us

"Danny lets go home"I said and I pulled him to a place we got inside "what's wrong"asked Danny "there's someone following us"I said

Danny looked out and he yelled and shut the door "it's deuce"said Danny we ran to the bathroom and I called Jorel "bro it's serious deuce is following us"i said "what where are you"asked Jorel "at subway downtown me and Danny are gonna walk out just come get us"I said Danny was freaking out

"Okay call Kellz now"said Jorel "okay I'm leaving"I said and I got Danny's hand and I called kellz his like my big brother

I called kellz it's MGK his a rapper and his very protective of me.

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