Chapter 7

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It was finally the day of the fishing trip with the Fonz. Richie, Fonzie, Ralph and Lori Beth agreed to meet at Arnold's because Richie and Lori Beth didn't know where the fishing spot was for their afternoon.

"Happy anniversary," Ralph greeted Lori Beth and Richie.

"Thanks, Ralph. Is Tiffany still able to join us at all?" Richie asked.

Fonzie shook his head and answered, "Her schedule is too full to do this with us."

"Maybe next time then."

"Wait and see," Fonzie said.

"Karen has to stay at the jail all most of today, so that means you'll have to spend your time with us, Lori Beth," Ralph told her.

"That's fine with me. Like you just said, maybe next time."

All three of them agreed. Now everyone was ready to leave.

"I'll drive since this fishing trip is my idea," Ralph told them.

At least that made a lot of sense. They all talked about different things throughout the day. They didn't say much at all during the ride to their fishing spot. Ralph wasn't so sure why this fishing trip was his idea, but he only wanted to a little something for his friends' anniversary. Maybe he could do the same thing with Karen. She'd told him that she never really went on a fishing trip while growing up.

It was a little after twelve – fifteen when Ralph found a parking spot. They'd left their picnic basket in the car since none of them were in no hurry to head back home. Since none of them had any reason to stay home all afternoon, this is why he suggested this fishing trip. Like Ralph had said to his friends, he just wanted to try something new. If they all enjoyed this trip, they might do this again in the future.

When they found a parking spot, they all followed Ralph. Since it was only a nice day outside, there was no way they should bring their jackets with them.

"How does this spot look to you guys?" Ralph asked.

It didn't have any people in that spot, so Ralph thought they should take it before anyone else.

"Are you enjoying your twentieth anniversary?" Fonzie asked their friends.

"So far, so good," Richie answered while Lori Beth nodded.

"That's good to know," Ralph said, and then added, "are you happy that I suggested this?"

Both Richie and Lori Beth nodded their heads.

"Maybe you can do this for your future anniversary sometime," Richie told Fonzie and Ralph.

"I was thinking the same thing myself," Ralph told them.

"It's always nice to try new things every once in a while."

All three of them agreed with her.

"Aren't you bored at all since you don't have Tiffany and Karen to keep you company?"

"A little, but not too bad."

"Good thing you're not complaining about it, Lori Beth."

"I try not to do that, Fonz."

"After all of these years, we have known each other, Lori Beth, you hardly ever complain about anything. That's one of the reasons I married you."

"Thanks, Richie. Everyone complains once in a while."

What Lori Beth had just said was true.

"Fonz, I think I caught one!" Ralph said.

It was no lie, Richie and his friends saw when they caught their first fish.

"Nice one, Malph. Now let me have a turn. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to see what the Fonz can do!"

At this age, Fonzie still had plenty of energy. Not much of his energy has changed, which was a good sign.

"Lori Beth?"

"Yes, Ralph?"

"do you and Richie want to take the fish home and have it for tonight's dinner?"

"That's not a bad idea, Ralph. What do you want to do, Lori Beth?"

"Ralph does have a good idea. We can do that. Are youguys hungry for lunch?"

"I'd like something," Ralph told her.

"I will go to the car right now. I'll be back."

Neither of them said a word.

When Lori Beth headed to the car, she heard some commotion from her friends.

"Wow, Fonz. You did a lot better than I did."

Fonzie had caught three fish all at once. Lori Beth then rejoined them.

"Lori Beth, you just missed Fonzie's fish," Richie told her.

"No wonder that's what the commotion was all about."

"He caught three fish all at once. That's more than I did."

Lori Beth wasn't surprised that Fonzie's magic hadn't lost its touch, which was a good thing.

"Do you want to have a turn, Lori Beth?"

"I guess I will," she answered, and took over from the Fonz. They opened their picnic basket and helped themselves. Lori Beth didn't catch any fish but never threw a fit about it. She handed the rod over to Richie so he could have a turn. He thanked her and caught a fish as well. None of them kept track of time.

It was starting to get dark by five o'clock. Lori Beth was the first to speak.

"I think it's time we go home," she told them.

"I thought you were having fun," Richie told her.

"I did. The sun looks like it's ready to leave soon."

Now Richie and his friends saw that she was right.

"Lori Beth's right, guys. We can come back another time," Richie said to Fonzie and Ralph.

Even they stood up from their spot. The other people who were there today had already left several hours ago. As they did on the way home, there wasn't much to say, and that was fine, and no complaints were around for the ride home. That tells you that everyone had a good time. Richie and Lori Beth were the first stop Ralph had to make. When they got to the driveway, Fonzie and Ralph helped them carry the fish and basket.

"Enjoy the fish," Ralph told them.

"We will. Lori Beth, do you want to have dinner now?"

"I'm starting to get hungry."

"I'll go start it right away, Richie. Thanks for taking us, Ralph. We'll let you know how the fish tasted."

"No need to tell us. The fish look good already. Happy anniversary," Ralph told them.

Fonzie said the same thing as well. Once they had left, Richie decided to help her with the fish.

"Mind if I help, Lori Beth?"

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