Chapter 4

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One day would forever change the course of my life. I was play-fighting with Nuka and Kovu under the shade trees that nestled at the base of Priderock. A sudden commotion caught our attention, so we went to investigate. Scar stood at the base of Priderock with the hyenas surrounding him.

"Sarabi!" Scar called out with rage.

Mother told me that Sarabi was the former Queen. When Mufasa died, she stepped down and Zira became Queen at Scar's side. Zira explained to me that she was arrogant and often didn't follow Scar's orders. She was part of the reason the other lionesses retaliated.

Nuka, Kovu, and I peered around the cliff, curious to see what was happening. We couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but I could tell that Scar was angry with her. The sky had darkened with clouds and it looked as if there was a storm on the way.

Suddenly, Scar lashed Sarabi across the face the exact moment lightning split the sky. The hyenas yipped with fear at something they saw. When I followed their stare, I saw a strange lion appear from atop the rocks. He had a golden pelt and a red mane that reminded me of blood. Scar's eyes widened and he fell back away from Sarabi. Why would Scar be afraid of a stranger?

"Cubs!" Zira and Issa were suddenly behind us, pulling us away from the corner. "We need to hide now!"

"Why?" I demanded, aiming the question at Mother.

"Priderock is about to become a battlefield," Zira explained. "Issa, I need you to take them and hide. I need to fight."

Issa nodded. "Come on, cubs." She led the way back towards Priderock. With no choice, we followed our aunt.

She led us to a secretive cave underneath the ledge of Priderock. It was small, but big enough to hold us comfortably. Just as we hid, the fight began. Lightning sparked the brittle grass and Priderock was surrounded by flames. Battle cries and screams errupted from the battlefield as the two tides collided. Scar fought against the red-maned lion. He looked so small compared to the powerful stranger, but I knew Scar would win.

The hyenas joined the fight as well as Zira, Afra, Katura, Nadra, Ramla, Hasana, and Cato. Every other lioness, Sarafina and Tama included, fought against them. My eyes widened in surprise. How could they turn on Scar like this?! He was such a great King and provided everything for them! I dug my claws into the dirt as I shot a glare at them. If only I could fight for my home!

Then a new lioness appeared, one that I didn't recognize. She bore an amazing resemblance to Sarafina. I recognized her from somewhere, but I didn't know where. Who was she? The lioness fought with great might, almost as if she had everything to fight for and nothing to lose.

Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed surrounded her and my skin started to crawl. For some reason I didn't want her to die. They fought each other and her ferocity surprised me. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Scar pounced on her. My body tensed, causing Kovu to glance at me. I dug my claws into the dirt, imagining that I was tearing flesh.

I wanted to fight! I wanted to protect my home! A growl rumbled in my throat, a sign of my frustration. "Are we just going to sit here and do nothing?!"

"That's exactly what we're going to do." Issa snapped. "Your mother doesn't want any harm to come to you three."

Scar was still locked in a battle with the blue-eyed lioness. Who was she? Curiosity pricked at my pelt like porcupine quills. Then, something caught my eye. A pale form, barely visible, knocked Scar off of the lioness. It must've frightened him because he turned tail and ran. The red-maned lion pursued him.

Without warning, I raced from the cave. Issa tried to grab me, but I was too quick. I peered up at the ledge of Priderock where they disappeared to. Everyone else was still fighting, but no one noticed me. Where did they go?

"Look!" One of the lioness called above the din.

The stranger and Scar were fighting awfully close to the ledge. They swiped at each other, their claws glinting. My eyes were wide with fear. Scar was using the same move he taught me the other day, but the stranger appeared to be good at balancing.

In my head, I was screaming at Scar. I was yelling for him to win, to defeat this usurper. The stranger fell right next the the ledge but he didn't fall. Scar leaped at him through the smoke and my heart lifted with hope. But the stranger took my heart and ripped it out.

He used his hind legs to launch Scar over the edge of the cliff. I watched in horror as Scar plummeted over the edge and into the flames. Zira screamed his name and tore off through the crowd to where he landed.

Everyone was silent. I was frozen and I couldn't move or make a sound. Issa was soon at my side, dragging me back towards the cave.

"No!" I screeched, trying to free myself from her grip. "Daddy!"

But no matter what I did, I wasn't strong enough to go to Scar's side. The flames kept burning, reflecting in my blue eyes. My cries echoed off of the cave walls.

He was dead.

The Lion King Chronicles: Vitani's VengeanceWhere stories live. Discover now