There were other sounds too.  The sounds of wildlife had been with them all night and had been comforting in an odd way, but now the noises felt more forced, deliberate and too unlikely to be a wolf or large creature of some sort.  Snapping twigs and the general sounds of a small army on the move; Amorette surmised as she turned to glance back at her friends who were now waiting at the top of the slope for her.  If it had been Athos coming towards them through the trees, Amorette would have known it was him as she had done seconds before.  No, this new threat was something new and certainly something to be feared. 

She tore up the slope towards Aramis and the Queen, sure even as she took her first steps that she would never see the other side of the slope.  Panting heavily as she reached the top and stopped to catch her breath, Amorette threw Aramis a look that she hoped he would understand, but his expression remained unreadable. 

"We're being followed!" Amorette cried to both of them as she pulled at the top of her bodice and corset in the hopes of letting some more air flood her lungs.  "You need to move quickly now!  You need to run if you can Anne."

"Come then," Aramis called to them as he set off down the other side of the slope with one hand holding the Queen's elbow to guide her down.  Amorette stayed where she was again, but this time her friends did not go on without her.  "Madame," Aramis called to her as he stopped. 

She shook her head even as she fought down the tears that she felt tears spring to her eyes.  "You knew this moment might come Aramis.  Don't pretend that you didn't."

"I do not think the situation calls for it Amorette!" he cried back angrily. 

"What are you both talking about?" the Queen asked exasperatedly.

"I'm the distraction, don't you see?" pleaded Amorette.  "That's why I had us change dresses.  They will follow the colour of the Queen's skirts.  I must go back and let them follow me.  I can lead them away from you and back down the road, give you time to reach Versailles."

"No!" the Queen and Aramis both cried in unison.

"Amorette I was charged to bring you both to safety.  You know that!  I'm not letting you do this," Aramis moved back up the slope a few steps and reached out his hand to her.  "With your help we can make Versailles in just as good a time as any."

Amorette was shaking her head again. "Aramis don't you get it?  You're not here to protect me!  You're here to protect her!" Amorette pointed half-heartedly towards the Queen.  "This is not about me and never was.  You need to get her to safety, and that's always been your priority.  I don't factor into that.  Look at the sky now Aramis!  It's almost dawn.  Athos will be gone back to Paris by now.  I do not wish to be apart from him.  Surely you must understand that just as much as it is your fate and your desire to be with the Queen right now, it is mine to return to Athos and see that he does not come to harm.  You cannot deny me that, not now when it may just save both of your lives too!"

Aramis seemed to be at a loss for words, but the Queen understood.  She pulled her elbow out of Aramis' grip and approached Amorette swiftly to throw her arms around her.  The two women held each other for a long moment before they pulled away, the Queen crying profusely.  "I will never forget that you have done this for me; for me and my child."

Aramis did not appear to be happy about the turn of events in the slightest, but they had little time to argue about it.  "Here," he said quietly as he freed one of his pistols and placed the handle into Amorette's small hand.  "Be careful, and stay alive.  If you don't, Athos will kill me himself."

Amorette nodded resolutely and motioned to them to hurry as the sounds of men crashing through the undergrowth grew louder.  "Go now before they have the chance to see you!"

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