My thoughts went back to a few nights ago when we talked about strippers being nasty. Was she a stripper and that's how she knew Loni?

"The photographer of the night has made her entrance." Loni said, suddenly next to me, "I must say I'm shocked it wasn't as extra as last time."

Sabrina smirked, "It will be next time."

"These are your pictures?" I asked in shock.

She shrugged, "Yeah." She stood there looking bashful but beautiful as ever. She wore a dress instead of a tux which was very attractive to me. The way she could switch up was something I'd never seen another girl be able to do.

She wore a little black dress that clung to her curves and bared her shoulders. She had a kimono over it that she also wore off of her shoulders.

"You look stunning." I told Sabrina.

She smirked at me, her heels clacked behind her. "Thank you." Sabrina looked around, "I'm going to go find my dad. Would you like to come with me?"

I nodded, but Bri ran over to us. Her heels clacked against the marble floor and she stood in front of Sabrina with CJ trailing behind her.

"Congratulations baby!" Bri screamed.

Sabrina smirked, "Thank you, Bria."

CJ embraced Sabrina, "Congrats Brina, I've seen you at your worst and now you're at the best. I'm so proud of you."

Sabrina smiled, "Thank you. I'm going to find my dad, he flew out from Colorado."

Sabrina turned towards me and reached for my hand. I grasped it but I had thoughts about this.

"Hey Sabrina, why wasn't I invited to this? It seems like a big deal and I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Moz. Why didn't you ask me?"

Sabrina bit her lip, "Can we talk about that later? I don't want to ruin my night."

I nodded my head but didn't actually respond. She walked over to the man I was talking to earlier with a big smile on her face.

"Hi dad." She said and he pulled her into a hug.

"I can't believe this. I'm so proud of you."

Sabrina smiled, "Thank you."

Her dad was talking with her and I decided to go look at more of her pictures. I was a little upset that Sabrina hadn't invited me to her photo release.

"Wow, you're really gorgeous." I heard Bri say behind me, "I hadn't actually looked at you when we were at the pool party."

"Thank you," I responded.

"Sabrina talks about you all the time. She really likes you."

"Not enough to invite me to her photo release." I said bitterly.

Bri sucked her teeth, "Remember this, you don't know Sabrina very well and she doesn't know you very well. Her photographs are very personal to her, especially if you go read the poems and captions that she wrote for each one." She pointed where a binder sat on a table, "There all over there."

I followed Bri over to the binder and opened the first page. The very first picture was on of Sabrina with her camera while she stood smiling. It had her name and her contact information under it. The next page was a picture of the girl was admiring earlier.

She stood in the sand with her back to the crowd. She was baring her body, offering it to the Gods. It wasn't all she had to offer but it felt like it was all she had to offer. The warm sun quickly disappeared and left her in the dark. The darkness of her surroundings quickly consumed her, just like the darkness of her mind.

I sucked my lips into my mouth, "I'm still hurt she didn't invite me."

"It's been all of what? Two or three weeks? Do you really feel that you're entitled to see what she didn't let me and Loni see until we knew her for over an year?" Bri asked, "This is CJ's first time seeing her work as well and it's not for lack of trying. The only reason she agreed to do this is because she had to do one before she could officially be the new lead photographer for a magazine."

I looked at my feet, why did she make me feel so bad? I felt disgusting. I wasn't entitled to anything so why was I acting that way?

"I've been looking for you." Sabrina told me with a smile, "Oh you're reading those. Don't read them, I don't think they're very good."

"I think they're amazing."

She smiled shyly, "About the reason I didn't invite you tonight," she started but I held my hand up.

"You don't need to apologize or explain yourself to me." I told her.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and was suddenly aware of every move she made. We hadn't kissed yet so being this close to her lips was torture. She watched me lick my lips and cupped my cheek.

"I'd love to introduce everyone to our new lead photographer, Sabrina Hudgens."

Sabrina stepped out of my arms and plastered a smile on her face, "Hi, I'd love to thank everyone who is here and everyone who's supported me throughout this journey."

I sucked my teeth softly at the second interruption that has stopped us from kissing but clapped for her nonetheless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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