Chapter 9

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Ginny  POV

"Sup Luna!" I  said sitting at the Ravenclaw table because honestly, houses weren't really a thing after the war.

"Hello Ginny wheres Hermione? I haven't seen her in a while." Luna said while putting cereal between two slices of bread.

"Oh er she just- Luna can we er talk, outside,NOW!" I said looking around there were quite a few people looking at me and I didn't want them to hear what I was going to say. Hermione was acting really strange lately and I didn't know what to do so I just ignored it.

"Ok," I said slowing my pace, "I think were far enough!"

"So.... what is it you wanted to talk about?" Luna asked. Her soothing tone calming me instantly.

"Your advice has always helped in the past," I took a deep breath and continued" Its Hermione sh she disappears all day and comes back really late, when she speaks it isn't her words, her eyes are glazed over, she hasn't even been going to her classes,I I went to the library to check if she was there and Madam Pince said she hadn't been there in weeks sh-!"

"GINNY!"Luna interrupted I stopped speaking because Luna never raised her voice, "Some of the things you mentioned are signs of the imperius curse!"

I couldn't move.

HEY GUYS! Sorry for the lack of updates but heres a chapter! I HAVE TO GO NOW IM GOING TO SEE WONDERWOMAN!


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