“The Guardians are foretold to bring balance to the Earth. Much like those who guard the other elements, Moon Guardians are able to---.”

“Ms. Grey,” the nurse calls out for me while leading a pale-faced Stiles out of the office. “Mr. Stilinski is all ready to go. Just make sure he stays away from any more dissections today and it’ll be alright.”

Saying thank you, I grab hold of Stiles’ arm and guide him from the office back towards the classroom.

“Ugh—I don’t want to go back in there,” he says, coming to a stop and leaning against the tiled wall of the hallway. Sliding down, he takes a seat—his legs stretched out across the white linoleum.

Taking a seat next to him, I criss-cross my legs and put my book in my lap. “What’s that?” he asks, reaching towards the book and grabbing it. His long fingers gingerly hold the book, stroking the old cover as he murmurs the title.

“It means Guardians of the Moon. I was telling Allison about it earlier,” I explain. “Gran gave it to me over the weekend, saying that it would interest me. So far it’s been really cool—kind of weird and full of myths, but it’s still interesting.”

“What kinds of things have you read so far?” he asks, his eyes roaming over my face. “Anything catch your eye?”

“Well, I really liked this one part about how these Guardians basically have powers that can do magic and stuff,” I laugh nervously, worried about Stiles thinking it was weird. “I know it’s kind of stupid, but—.”

“It’s not stupid,” he hands the book back to me, his hands softly brushing mine in the process. “It’s really cool actually.”

Smiling, I lean my head back against the wall. Shutting my eyes, Stiles and I sit in a comfortable silence. Usually, silences between friends feel awkward to me, but sitting here with Stiles like this doesn’t feel that way at all. I can hear his soft breaths and feel the tickle of his arm from where it is softly brushing mine. Just as I open my eyes again, the bell to signal the end of class rings. Getting up, Stiles and I make our way back into the Biology classroom to gather our books and get ready to leave for the day.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say, giving Stiles a small wave. Leaving the classroom I walk to my locker to grab everything I needed to go home for tonight. Twisting the lock, I open the locker door and take out my Chemistry book and my notebook. Just as I try to put them in my backpack, I feel a hard body shove me towards my own locker. Looking, I see two guys from the soccer team laughing as they walk away from me. Just breathe. They are just immature boys and you won’t ever see them again after high school.

After last week, I had still been getting some looks from others, but it was getting easier to ignore it. I could understand that I had looked gross from what had happened, but it seemed as if people still thought it was cool to put me down, even though they barely knew who I was.

Slamming my locker shut, I finally leave the hallways and go out towards my car. Getting inside, I shut the door and take a few deep breaths. Putting the car in reverse, I back out of my space, soon making my way out of the parking lot and away from school.


“I’m home!” I shout, dropping my bag onto the floor and walking into the living room. Taking a seat on the couch, I turn on the television, ready to relax for a little while before starting some of my homework. “Gran! Are you here?”

After no response, I assume that she is most likely at the store or visiting one of her friends. Having her out of the house was nice since she always seemed to be lingering. I think she just worries about me. I don’t blame her at all. She most likely is waiting for me to fall apart at some point, but to be honest, so am I. For the past few weeks I have felt alright—teetering on a sharp edge, just barely hanging on. I know that it will only take something small to push me off that edge. Let’s just hope I will be able to come back.

Through The Dark [Stiles Stilinski]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu