7. Between Us

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Pulling my pillow over my head, I try to hide my eyes from the bright morning light shining through my window. After staying awake for what I suppose was hours, I finally went to sleep—exhaustion catching up with me.

“Good morning!” I hear my Gran’s cheery voice echo through my bedroom. Her footsteps move closer to my bed, finally stopping near the edge. “I made you breakfast! Up, up!”

Grabbing my comforter, she gives a hard tug, hurling me onto the floor. Grunting, I look up at her with annoyed eyes—I really just wanted to sleep in today. That’s what weekends are for, but apparently Gran is not on the same page as the rest of the adolescent world.

Smirking at me, she leaves my room. I blow some hair out of my face and begin to get ready for the day. After putting on a pair of skinny jeans, an off-shoulder sweater and putting a beanie on my tangled mess of hair, I make my way downstairs to eat.

Sitting at the table, I grab my fork to dig into my breakfast—eggs, hash browns, and strawberries. It’s comforting to me that Gran knows exactly what mom used to make me on the weekends for breakfast. Every Saturday morning, my mom would wake me up early enough to eat breakfast with her before we would spend the day hanging out. We would mainly spend time watching movies or going to the beach. Spending the whole day with her was the best part of my week.

After finishing the last bites of breakfast, I clear my plate and make my way towards the living room to watch some television as well as hopefully take my mind of what happened last night.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I have a feeling it’s not good. First, a gigantic man attacks me, and now I have creepy cane guy stalking me to my front door. I think investing in pepper spray would be a good idea—or better yet I’ll just pack a baseball bat in my purse from now on.

Just as I reach the couch and sit down, the doorbell goes off. Sighing at the interruption of my plans to be a couch potato all day, I head over to the door. Pulling it open, I am met with the sight of Stiles, holding what looked like a stack of movies and a liter of Mountain Dew.

“Selena!” he all but shouts when he sees me.

“Hey Stiles,” I say wearily, wondering why he was standing at my door. It’s not that I don’t like Stiles, I honestly think he is nice and is really funny, but since I have not exactly spent much time with him before, I can’t even begin to understand why he is standing at my door once again.

“Oh—uhm, I figured since you didn’t really feel that great yesterday that you may want to just enjoy your day off from school,” he holds up the movies, which I can now see are all different versions of the Batman series and his soda bottle. “Unless—Unless you don’t want to, in which case I can just leave you alone and you never have to see me again. Okay—I’m, I’m just going to go. Sorry, sorry—yeah.”

Stiles turns to leave, but I grab hold of the collar of his jacket, pulling him back towards my apartment. “Come on Stilinski,” I pull him inside, shutting the door with a bang. “I’ve got nothing else better to do.”

Stiles awkwardly walks over to the living room area and puts his things on the coffee table. I go for the first Batman movie I see and look at the back cover curiously. I had never really watched the movies before, but it seemed like Stiles was a huge fan.

“So, are these movies worth watching?” I ask, causing Stiles’ mouth to drop wide open, making me think he might actually swallow a fly with how far it dropped.

“You—You mean to say that you have never watched Batman before?”

“Well, not exactly,” I shrug. “I know what they are about, but haven’t really ever taken the time to watch.”

Through The Dark [Stiles Stilinski]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon