2. Are You Scared?

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“You okay?” I ask, lifting the ice pack to my head and looking over at Scott who is in the passenger seat.

“It kind of burns,” Scott says, holding his arm up to look at the white bandage wrapped around his bicep.

“Yes, you just had your skin stabbed about a hundred thousand times by a needle,” my face scrunching, remembering how the needle first punctured Scott’s skin.

Yeah, I know,” Scott replies, wincing slightly when he touches the bandage. “But I don’t think it’s supposed to feel like this.”

Sighing, I turn back to start the Jeep when Scott begins grinding his teeth because of the pain in his arm. “Oh god, it is definitely not supposed to feel like this.”

Scott rips the bandage off his arm just in time to see the brand new tattoo shrink away into nothing. “Oh god that’s gross, I think I’m going to barf,” I cover my eyes, not wanting to witness any more of this tattoo business. I don’t really have any problem with people getting tattoos, but having to first watch my friend be pricked my a needle and having little droplets of blood fall from his arm made me never want to endure another tattoo adventure again.

“It healed,” Scott frowns, rubbing his hand over the now vacant spot on his tan skin.

Sighing, I turn the key in the ignition, ready to get us the hell out of here. “Thank god, I hated it.”

Pulling out of the spot, we make our way back towards Scott’s house where we were planning on spending the night playing video games and relaxing as the last few days of summer come to an end. After what happened last spring, having this entire summer drama free was quite the breath of fresh air.

After driving for a few minutes, we pull up at a red light. As Scott rambles on about how much he misses Allison, I look over at the single car that is next to us. Speak of the devil and she doth appear.

Nudging Scott, I nod my head towards the small blue car where Allison and Lydia are currently riding. Scott, trying not to let Allison see him, ducks down below the window. Allison, finally noticing our sudden appearance, goes wide-eyed, hastily turning her head away and gesturing wildly at Lydia. After a few seconds, Lydia steps on the gas and their car speeds forward through the red light. I wait for a few more seconds before the light turns green and start making my way in the direction of Scott’s house, or better yet the same exact way Lydia and Allison were heading.

“Dude, we can’t just follow them! Turn around!” Scott says frantically, worrying that we may seem like stalkers. “I don’t want them to think we are following!”

“Well, sorry man but there isn’t another way to get to your house,” I reply, continuing my drive forward.

“Just—just stop the car!” Scott shouts.

I quickly slam on the breaks and the Jeep skids to a complete stop in the middle of the road. Not even a few seconds later, Lydia’s car stops as well. Just as I am about to turn the car and go back the other way, high-pitched screams come from the car in front of us. Scott and I quickly jump out of the Jeep and run over to where the two girls are standing behind the small blue car. Grabbing hold of Lydia’s upper arms, I check her over.

“Are you hurt? Are you alright?” I ask, frantic at the thought of her being injured. She doesn’t respond, instead turning to Scott and Allison, eyes wide in fear.

“What the hell was that? I mean, how could that even happen?”

We all walk over to the front of the car where there is a large deer buried headfirst into the window, blood smeared everywhere.

“I saw its eyes. It looked—it looked like it was crazy,” Lydia runs her hand through her strawberry-blonde hair.

“It was scared,” Scott replies, his hand resting on the dead deer’s blood-stained hair. “Actually, it was terrified.”

We all turn to look at the darkness ahead, seeing only fog but all feeling the same thing: dread. 

After the incident with the deer, we dropped Allison and Lydia off and then made our way over to Scott’s house. Instead of playing video games, we just turn on a movie, both of us still trying to wrap our heads around what had happened tonight.

To have a deer run into a car as if it was being chased was something that wasn’t normal. This was similar to the things that had happened when Scott first became a werewolf, or when the kanima first appeared last spring. This couldn’t just be a coincidence. Something is coming, but I don’t think we are ready for it.

I slowly doze off; hoping that tonight would be a dreamless sleep. Too bad things just aren’t that easy.


Her lips leave a scorching trail across my neck, leaving me breathless. Her hands are fisted tightly in my hair as I gasp in pleasure. Moving my head, I capture her soft lips in mine, my hands moving down to her waist. I lift up the bottom of her shirt, feeling soft skin against my fingertips.

Feeling daring, I grasp the hem of the shirt and pull it upwards. She lifts both her arms, allowing me to pull the garment over her head. I throw it and push her down onto her back. We sink into my mattress and I begin to kiss her neck, slowly descending past her collar bones and moving lazily down her stomach. She lets out a soft moan, making me smile against her soft skin.

I bring my eyes up to meet hers and what I see causes my breath to catch. I can’t make out her face; all I can see is a pair of shining grey eyes. They draw me in, practically pulling me into their depths and swallowing me whole. I feel like I can’t stop staring into them, the intoxication of them drag me in.

Suddenly, to my left there is a soft whisper in my ear, “She is coming.”

[Okay! So I hope you all like this! Sorry it's just Stiles, but I needed this part in there! I hope you like it and please let me know what you think! Thank you all for the comments so far and all the votes! yay!]

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