5. The Hunted

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Over the next hour and half, I either am wearing down the hard wood floors in the front hallway or frantically checking through the eye-hole in the door, hoping to hear news from Allison about what is going on. She told me to stay inside; giving me little details and basically scaring me half to death. You would think that after surviving an attack from the red-eyed hulk, I’d get at least some comfort or at least some half-assed theories about what I saw.

There is no way I am going to be going to sleep tonight; not after what I saw. I don’t think I had ever been so terrified, and that is saying a lot. I can still feel his beefy hands grabbing a hold of my arms; his growls ringing in my ears.

Walking into the kitchen, I open the fridge. Looking inside, I stare at the shelves without really seeing anything. I can feel my hands begin to sweat and a ringing in my ears starts to become louder and louder.

“Selena?” I hear, but I barely acknowledge. My legs begin to shake slightly and my breathing begins to come out in short spurts; causing my chest to puff in and out rapidly. A small hand grasps my upper arm, shaking me slightly. The hand pulls me away from the open fridge and soon I am being held in a tight embrace. Soft whispers reach my ears, pulling me back from what I assume is an anxiety attack. “You’re alright, sweetheart. Nothing is going to hurt you.”

I slowly pull my face away from the soft cotton of my Gran’s sweater. Rubbing my eyes, I begin to feel calm once more. Gran is eyeing my with curiosity; most likely wondering if I am having a breakdown over there being no more root beer’s left in the fridge. Sighing, I launch into my recollection of tonight’s events, not sparing any details.

“I just can’t even wrap my head around it,” Running my hands through my hair, I shake my head and try to describe my attack. “The one thing that I truly don’t understand, is why he just ran away? I mean, he was so intent on hurting me, but then a few lights start flickering and he runs off with his tail between his legs?”

“I don’t know, dear,” Gran releases her hold on me, walking over to the cabinets to retrieve some mugs and hot chocolate mix. “Maybe he thought people would see him.”

“But we were in the back, basically hidden,” I sit at the stool by the counter shaking my head.

There was no way that he was scared off by a few flickering lights. I mean, he looked like he belonged in a wrestling ring! He had me cornered; one more minute and I would have been ripped apart.

“Selena!” A sharp knocking on the door, as well as Allison’s familiar voice ring through our apartment, brining me to rush over to the front door.

Swinging the door wide open, I’m met with the sight of Allison as well as Stiles and Scott, both who are staring at me with caution; most likely thinking I’m going to be in hysterics and cry.

“Uh—hey guys,” I stand to the side, letting the three teen inside. Closing the door, I turn to see Scott and Allison in a hushed argument as well as Stiles staring at me like I had three heads. “Do I still have blood on my face?”

Stiles’ snaps out of whatever funk he is in; his eyes widening in realization that I caught him staring. “Oh-uh, you—your face looks great, I—I mean no, there isn’t any.”

Snorting, Allison walks over, shaking her head at Stiles. “Well, I told the boys here what happened and they wanted to check on you as well.”

“Oh, well thanks, I guess?” I reply, slightly confused as to why the two boys were that interested in my well-being to come all the way to my house.

“Well anyway,” Allison continues, “We’re going to go, but if you need anything, just give a shout and I’ll be there.”

Smiling, Allison gives me a small nod, leading Scott and Stiles back out the door.

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