Just as she finished saying that, a blond boy with an orange-and-white striped collar shirt came running into the room.

   He was panting like crazy, and when he finally calmed down, he announced, "Sorry for being late, I was just fining this kid who rudely bonked his basketball on my head. Is it roll call right now?"

   "Just sit down, Barry." Commanded Meitte. He sat reluctantly and she continued role call.

"Aria, Girl Rep?"

"Here!" Showcase Queen of every single one. She was wearing a huge smile and had her gorgeous pink hair in its usual style.

"Alain, Boy Rep?"

   "Here," A serious-looking, tall boy said unenthusiastically.

   "Brock, Sergeant of Arms?"

   "Here," A spiky haired boy replied with a calm smile.

   "Angie, Fundraising Officer?"

   "Present," A girl with really short blue hair and a mischievous smile responded.

   "Lastly, Blanche, Historian?"

   "Here!" A girl with a blue bow in her hair called back.

   "Wonderful, now before we begin our meeting, I would like you to meet our new Vice President, Serena Yvonne!" I blushed at Miette's introduction, and shyly waved to everyone.

   Choruses of greetings echoed out before Miette had them quiet down.

"As you all know, we're here to talk about the showcase coming up in several weeks..." Miette continued to talk while I glazed my attention to a window nearby.

   The glass was fogged up and felt cold to the touch. I was thinking about what Miss Dare had said.

   "You'll start new after one more break."

   "Where will the break be?"

   "The place you hurt the most."

   "Serena! Kanto to Serena!" I jolted out of my thoughts while my eyes focused into Miette's hand waving in my face.

   "Oh, are we doing something now?"

   "Yeah, Miss Dreamy. While the others are decorating for the showcase, you and I are analyzing the singers."

   "What singers?" I asked half-mindedly.

   "You know those posters that we taped around the school? Those singers!" Miette impatiently explained to me. I perked up. I remember that Ash is planning to do it...

   "Okay! Let's get to it!" I jumped off my chair and slid into another at a nearby table covered with small slips of paper that Miette set up already.

   "Dreamy one moment, and cheerful the next," I heard Miette murmur behind me.

   Minutes flew by like death was at their heels while Miette and I analyzed each paper.

   Thank Arceus that I found Ash's slip before Miette, because if she did... I wouldn't know what to think.

   "Hmm, this one is planning to sing Beauty And The Beast. You think that can work Serena?"

   "It's a pretty song with a romantic hue, and since because of the peacemaking dance, there's got to be some love in the air. So, I say yes."

   "Reasonable. I like how you think, Sere."

   Soon the meeting wrapped up and I was on the streets walking home. I was walking home alone, then noticed that the first snowfall was coming down.

   We rarely get snow in these regions, so it's a blessing and gift.

   I laughed as I danced in the snowflakes swishing around me. For that moment, all my problems washed away into the falling snow that fell so quietly.

Miss Dare's POV:

   I gazed at Serena as she danced and laughed in the dancing snow of the mysterious night.

   Looking out of my window, I tried to see the stars that was covered by the snowflakes for her future.

   Glancing at Serena dancing again, I spoke to myself, "Poor Serena. Poor, poor Serena. I hope she'll choose to start over instead of the other fate that easily awaits her."

1148 words

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