Body armour

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'Wear the body armour tonight?' – 7.38 p.m. – unknown

My heart flutters and my stomach clenches tightly as I know exactly who sent the text so my fingers tremble slightly as I text back; 'Full body?' – sent 8.14 p.m.

Not even 10 seconds later my cell phone beeps in my clamped, sweaty hand but unfortunately, just as I lift my hand to check the reply in anticipation, Sergeant Franco stops in front of me, "Everything's under control now, sir. Detective Burkhardt and Detective Griffin arrived not long ago, said we could leave whenever". My hand clasping my phone jumps and my eyes twitch to look around, "Alright then. Everybody's ready to leave?" Franco nods and starts walking, wordlessly asking me to follow, "Everybody's in the truck and just about ready to go home to their families". "Perfect, let's get out of here then!" I answer as I jump into the passenger seat, refusing to look around, and Franco gets in behind the wheel.

Back at the station, the locker room quickly fills with men wanting to change into more comfortable clothes and just race home. I clear my throat and those standing closest to me look up, knowing exactly what's going to happen and I half-shout-half-groan, "Listen up, people. You did good today, real good! You can be proud of yourselves – you once again kept the city secure. What we do isn't always safe but we do what we have to, to make sure *everybody else* is safe! So go home, spend some time with your families and remember to enjoy life a little. We did what we had to tonight to keep our loved ones safe and if any of you need to talk, be it about tonight or something else, I'm always, *always!*, just a call away. Day and night". I look around at my men, some of them barely men really, all nodding and the few youngest with glassed over eyes and I smile encouraging one last time for the night, "Have a great night, gentlemen".

In no time the changing room's empty except from Franco and me, "Go home Franco, I'll clean up. I know your wife's worrying sick to hear from you – and you and I both know she'll beat me if you get home too late". He chuckles somewhere behind me and my own lips stretch in a smile of my own, "You sure? I can help, not much's left.." he argues half-heartedly but it's clear he just wants to get on his way to his wife. "Go! I'm tired of looking at your ugly face after so many hours!" I joke and kick out for his shin but purposely miss. I get a roaring laughter in reply and a hasty 'bye Wu' shouted over his shoulder. 'Finally, I can check my phone!' I think the second his footsteps are gone and I whip my cell out of my pocket so fast I almost drop it. All air leaves my lungs, making them burn almost painfully, when I finally open the text.

'please Yes?' – 8.14 p.m. – unknown

I pack the gear in my gym bag with a body on fire and anticipation dominating my veins, and I clean up and then walk out to my car with a clouded mind.

My heart's slamming against its bars to get out and my veins feel like they're on fire from the adrenaline storming through my body when I lift my hand to knock on the cream-coloured door. Just before it reaches the door, I pause to take a deep, calming breath and take a moment to think, 'This could go so, so wrong'. I exhale steadier and finally knock; three hard knock.

"The door's open, come on in!" a deep male-voice shouts from inside the house so I knock again, this time with more confidence; I'm just about fully in character. I take a step back from the door when I hear steps getting nearer and the instant the door swings open, I'm 100% in-role.

"What the-", the black man on the other side of the door begins but I cut him off completely, "Good evening sir. We've received a complaint-". I get no further before the man tries to slam the door shut but I catch it with my heavy-booted foot and violently pull it open as the man starts running through the house. He gets a bit of a head start as I both have to pull the door open but also because the body armour weights like hell.

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