Calum: Call if u need any help ok. We're all worried.

Me: yeah, thanks mum.

I locked my phone, and placed it on my bedside table. It's no good starting to look for her today. New York is big, and jam packed, not to mention I am completely helpless and clueless as to what I am doing. Hell, I don't even know where to start. Calling people at home will do everyone no good. Even they don't know. But Melissa told us that in the photo where someone spotted her in New York, she was near Central Park. I think Melissa spent some time here for a school activity. She should know.

With a sigh, I got up, got into the shower, do overthinking twice as much Sydny does, and lie down in bed, staring at the boring ceiling. That's how you prepare for the next day.



December 30, 5:16 PM

Sitting on a park bench in Central Park with layers and layers of clothing. I got my hoodie and sunglasses on just in case someone would recognize me. I always wanted to experience snow growing up. When we went touring, we first experienced snow perhaps in London. It was definitely fun. But after playing in the snow, half of the band fell sick. Of course that half includes me. The other one was Ashton, but it was mainly because he was working out before going out in the cold. Naturally, Michael made fun of me. And at this point in our friendship, I have come to learn it's his way of showing affection.

Anyway, Central Park. I always thought I'd go to New York with someone special. I know it's a girly thing to think, but a New Year's kiss on Times Square sounds pretty nice. I saw this movie once. It's called New Year's Eve (duh), and it's one of those movies that shows the lives of different people, and how that one event can impact everyone's lives a little differently. All of them spending the same night with different people, writing different stories. But when the ball drops,  everyone just forgets what they're doing and kiss. Like everything in the world leads to that exact moment. The New Year's Kiss. And it was "magical," as Syd would put it.

Well, okay, maybe that was a bit too girly. But I'm just saying it would be nice.

I sighed to myself. Dozens of people walked past me. A group of people were singing Christmas songs a coupld of yards away. Now they're on their fifth song since I got here, and I still haven't moved a muscle. Not until...

"Hi," A girl stopped in front of me, looking below my hoodie. "Hi, um, Luke?"

I looked up slowly. The girl looked familiar, but I don't know where from. She was about 5'3" with auburn hair tied back in a messy bun. She looked about 16? 15? I don't know.

"Um, hey?" I said. "Have we met?"

The girl smiled, nodding understandingly. "Of course, you won't remember."

"I'm sorry." I said, looking around, afraid I might miss something. "I just.."

"It's okay." She shrugged. "I'm Natalie. I was in your meet and greet here in New York, remember? I was the one who gave you a bunch of cupcakes."

Girl. Girl. Cupcakes. Carrot. Butter.

"Oh yeah! Yeah, I remember you." I smiled. Michael loved those cupcakes. I love the one with butter frosting.

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