Chapter 8 - You lose if you caught

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"Four of a kind I win" Uno said as you guys escaped to play with the other inmates in their cell.

"Damn, Uno wins again?" said the gray haired inmate "You probably cheated"

"Tsk, tsk sorry gentlemen, but the number 13 crew get the to read this month's magazines first" Uno said sitting between you and Jyugo as Jyugo was laying.

"The weekly manga too" -Jyugo

"Pass 'em along asap will ya?"

"Wow, your amazing Uno" you said as you looked at him ,amaze.

"Hehehe" -Uno

"Say, this is room 9, you know? won't you get trouble being here without permision? Hajime is gonna be pissed" said the black haired inmate.

"It's all good. He'll never find out. I'm not afraid of mean old Hajime-chan" Uno said smirking at them.

"Hahaha ,yup Uno's right" you said smiling.

"He can come at me anytime" -Uno.

"Yeah, yeah it's no sweat" Jyugo said smirking

"He-hey..." The black haired inmate said as he was looking at the back ,you didn't know why they were looking behind you guy's but you know that this is a no good sign. When you looked back Hajime hit you're heads, he's face were angry as he clench his hand "I see so you've escaped again. What the hell are you three idiots doing in the wrong unit?" He said looked pissed.

"We're still in the prison right?" You guy's said at the same time "THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!"

"Get back to your room"

"Ah? Hold on" Hajime stopped as he looked back "What?"

"Let's gamble a bit Hajime" Uno said smirking also you two "If we lose we'll be a good little boys for three days" Jyugo said as you agreed "Yup ,hehe"

He stared for a while then said "ONE WEEK!"

"D....Deal" He sits in front of you guy's "C-calm down Uno ,there's no way he will win, your good at this right?" Jyugo was trying to confort him.

"R-Right his an amateur after all" Uno said ,sweating "I'll show you how terrifying gambling can be" then smirk.

They started playing cards, it's been minutes has passed .Hajime got 12 wins as you guys are 0 wins.

"Full house" Hajime said as he showed his cards.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Uno, Jyugo and you were now sweating. "S-Seriously?! I made sure he only got the useless cards!" Uno said.

"D-Don't panic!! You're way better a way better player than he is!!" Jyugo said as you nodded "He's right ,you can do this Uno"

"All right ,here it is!!" Uno showed his cards "FOUR OF A KIND"

Hajime showed his cards "Royal Flush"


"Right then ,you three better keep your promise" He drags you three, defeated "The rest of you remember, this what happens if you carry on this three"

"Y-YES SIR..." The three of them said as Hajime opened the door and leave.

"They didn't know?" Said the gray haired guy.

"For real, everyone knows they shouldn't play poker with Hajime" said purple curled hair guy.

"So reckless....When it comes to cheating ,no one can beat him" said the black haired guy.

A/N: Okay here's another update........Sorry for the short chapter and sorry for the errors.

Well basically ,i'm following the manga plot. So this chapter is short ... ^w^

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