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I opened my eyes and realised that this isn't my room. Where was I? As the memory of last night slowly crept into my mind, I knew where I was. Mr. Grey Eye's house. He let me stay over a night, and i didn't even know his name, smoothe move Meg...

The door open and I flinched. There he was, "Hey," he asked, his voice is so soft and his features were even more amazing than last night. Snap out of it Meagan! You saw your boyfriend making out with a slut and you're already thinking about other guys! Jeez.

Realising that we've been staring at each other for a long time, I just replied with a simple hi.

"I got you some breakfast, pancakes". The thought of pancakes made my mouth water. Those were like my drugs. He handed them to me and I dug in without a care in the world.

"What's your name?" I asked, oh boy, that was so embarrassing. But he didn't seem to care. "Drew, you?" I gulped, thinking if I should tell this so called Drew, my name. I guess after what happened last night, i should at least tell him my name. "Meagan. Or some people call me Meg".

"Okay, Meagan and Eggs, how about you tell me what happened last night?"he grinned.

"M-My boyfriend..." Tears were already forming at the thought of that. Drew's jaw clenched. "Did he hurt you?"

"What! No! I mean, yes, but not physically...." My voiced just trailed off.

After a long pause, he said "Who? Who did it?"

"I don't think you know him... His name's Zach Flit," Wait. Why am I telling him this? He doesn't know me, and I don't know him, but part of me want's me to tell him...

His eyes widened as I said his name, "Zach? Meg, he was my best friend before, before he stole my girlfriend. Seems like we have something in common huh?"

"I think so. I mean, he did do something stupid,"

The doorbell rang, wait, what the fuck? Why was the doorbell ringing in such an early time? I glanced at the clock and realised that it was already about 10 in the morning...

"I'll go get it," Drew informed me

He was gone for about 5 minutes, and that's when the temptations began, I slowly got out of bed, and went outside into the hallway. I heard Drew talking to someone, a familiar voice. That's when the chaos began. I tripped to the side, exposing that I was gonna listen to them.

Then I saw him. Zach. The asshole. He looked at me wide-eyed. I don't know what happened but tears didn't come out, it was more like anger.

"Meg" He said, so low it was barely audible

"What?" I snapped back,

He turned to Drew and ask him if we could talk alone,

As Zach turned his attention back to me, we completely just stared at each other

"Well?" I asked him, as anger rose into my voice

"Meg, I'm so sorry, if you could just please forgive m-"

"No! No, i will not forgive you! You cheated on me with that slut! WHY?! Tell me why, I know you were sober enough to know what you were doing!"

"Meagan! Hear me out! She was a mistake! And i said I'm sor-"

"More like I was the mistake! You seemed like you were sucking the life out of her!" As I was gonna turn around he grabbed my wrist saying "Maybe you're right! You were a mistake! I spent 5 fuckin' months with you. 5 fuckin' months! And now it's been wasted! Now bitch listen to me and listen close, i. don't. love. You."

Tears formed into my eyes when I realised what he just said to me. His grip on my tightened. "Zach! Let go! You're hurting me!" He just smirked and would'nt. He enjoyed seeing me in pain. As if on cue, Drew came storming in pushing Zach to the ground. While this was happening, I ran out of the house.

Running away always seemed like a great escape plan until Drew came sprinting towards me, hugging me once I stopped running. I let out a soft sob as he was holding me tight. 'I should've known' I kept telling myself. Love like what Zach and I had 5 months ago was just like a romance novel. Except with a twist of fate and it ended before it even started.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 14, 2012 ⏰

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