Lysanders POV~ make it fun

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When I woke up Roxanne had her head resting on my shoulder, I looked ahead of me to see my surroundings. We where in a light filled forest with a beach by it, we where on an island! I shook Roxanne to make her wake up. "Hey wake up..!" I said in a whisper, trying to calmly wake her. "What is it?" She murmured sounding half asleep. She got up though rubbing her brown eyes and smiling softly at me, I moved a hair that was on her rash back and she blushed. Her blush was so adorable and I couldn't help myself! I stood up and gave her my hand, she didn't take it she just got up, "we should go down to the beach and gather coconuts they will keep us hydrated!" She declared before making her way down to the beach, "I'll tell rose to meet you down there!" I yelled down at her. I looked at the children running around and an idea came in mind, I grabbed a coconut and started to play soccer.

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