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This is another cover shop!

It's going to be basic and simple, nothing too hard, yet nothing too plain.
If you want something extravagant, I suggest not requesting here because it will not live up to your expectations.
So, there's the door --->🚪

This cover shop is NOT like my other one where I put a bunch of things and edited until my eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets. It's just going to be easy and simple, but still pretty... hopefully.

If you want a simple cover.
If you can wait.
If you're going to use it.

•If you're going to ask for a flying pig with some dancing dragons and a taco on the cover. Or something like that.
•If you're not going to use it at all
(I bolded and underlined it for a reason people.)
If you don't have a single ounce of patience in you.
If you already asked another cover shop to make you a cover.
(No, not because I'm going to be "jealous" or whatever, you're just wasting my time and theirs.)


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