Chapter 36

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Darius O'Neill wanders towards the gates of the IGS compound on his way to start his day's work. He arrested two people yesterday who now both reside in police custody. He smiles as he thinks back proudly on the accomplishments, on taking two criminals off the streets, if only for a temporary period. He revels in the triumphant feeling of victory and authority he asserted over them – that which he may assert over any citizen he chooses. He enjoys making arrests. He looks forward to the next one.

As he continues along the pavement, looking forward he descries a fellow IGS employee heading his way from behind the compound gate. The man looks at the ground as he peregrinates along. It is unclear whether he has become aware of Darius ahead of him, but if he has he isn't showing it, isn't making any kind of visual acknowledgement of him.

The two men meet in the middle of the path.

"Heading home from your shift, Scott?" Darius says.

"Oh, hi. That's right."

"Mmm. Didn't give those street thugs an inch last night, I hope."

"Haha. No. Of course not."

"So, how's the new captain?"

"Oh, he's fine. You know. No complaints."

"Good. Who is it?"

"Calvin Jacobs."

"Oh, him. Right...I suppose you know mine's the day shift now."

"Yeah...How's that going?"

"It's fine. It might only be temporary. Then I'll be back on the nights with you lads."

"Right, yeah. Well, at least it's less dangerous, right?"

Darius slowly grows a faint smile.

"I suppose so," he says. "It's basically a slap on the wrist. A symbolic thing, you know. They know that there are always risks with what we do, and that shit hits the fan sometimes, like it did that night."

Scott nods. "Anyway, I'd better get going." he says pointing ahead down the pavement.

"Yeah...Oh, Scott." Darius says before he leaves.


"I know it was you who grassed me up."

Scott sighs. "Look, sir, all I did was report what happened. It's what we have to do after an incident. It's procedure."

"Mmm." Darius stares at him, making a conscious effort to try and make him squirm.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm so forgiving." he finally says.

"Thanks. I'm sorry, you know."

Scott turns to leave.

"I'm not so sure about the rest of the boys, though."

Scott turns back, noticing Darius' face has transformed, any traces of his affable façade now completely vanished, his expression flat and somewhat unnerving. He takes a step closer towards Scott.

"You know what they're like. They want to know that we're all looking out for each other. They want to know they can trust their teammates...And I know they won't look fondly on this...You'd better watch your back, Scott...It doesn't feel good when someone puts a knife in it."

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