Chapter 22

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Gerard drives through his gates into the courtyard of his home, tired, aching after an intensive day at work – feeling in need of a shower and a square meal. He's back later than usual, having finished his shift late after being called with his team to deal with an emergency situation: a family had arrived back home after a trip away to discover that vampires had found a weak spot in their house and made their way in, creating a new hive.

He pulls into his garage, parks and exits his car. As he shuts the door he suddenly experiences a shiver down his spine, gripped by the icy clasp of fear as he feels the cold metal of a blade pressed against his throat from behind. His mind races, his heart races. As he'd pulled past the gates he thought he had caught a glimpse of some movement in his rear-view-mirror, but it had been so brief and fleeting in his periphery that he had dismissed it, thinking either he must have imagined it or it had been something insignificant; a bird or a fox or some animal.

Trying to think clearly and act as calmly as he can, Gerard speaks; "What do you want?" he says through shallow breaths.

"Drop the keys." the knife-wielder says.

Gerard lets the car keys fall from his hand to the floor of his garage.

"Open the gates." the person continues.

"The control is in my glove compartment."

Gerard then hears the passenger door of his car opened – by a second person – followed by the glove compartment. The gates then begin to open inwards after the button on the control is pressed. The person holding the knife directs Gerard towards his gates, steering him with the power and gravitas of the blade pressed against his skin. He reaches into Gerard's pocket and takes out his house keys.

Gerard then senses the person move his face close towards him and he says into Gerard's ear, "Now go!" then kicking him in the back so he stumbles forward.

Gerard turns around seeing the face of the intruder and that of his companion. He recognises them both instantly as the two boys who had attacked Melissa. The injuries Gerard caused the individual holding the knife are still visible, identifying him like a branded animal.

"GO!" Tony shouts.

"It's going to be dark soon." Gerard says.

"Not my problem."

"There's a wooden stake in my glove compartment. Just let me get that, then I'll go."

"If you know what's good for you, you'll leave right now without saying another word!"

Gerard looks at Leon, reading him and sensing that he is not comfortable with the situation, although seemingly trying to put on a front of uncompromising coldness.

"GO!" Tony shouts again, jabbing his knife forward at Gerard aggressively, not wanting him to look at Leon.

"Listen," Gerard says looking back at Leon again, sensing that if there is any reasoning or bargaining to be done, Leon will be the best person to petition. "you don't have to do this - " Gerard continues, then sharply being cut off as Tony lurches forward and swings a punch, striking him hard in the face.

"STOP TESTING ME!" Tony shouts as Gerard stumbles backwards. "JUST GET OUT OF HERE NOW BEFORE YOU PUSH ME TOO FAR!" Tony yells, once again aggressively gesticulating with his blade.

Gerard thinks for a second as he stands defenceless in front of these invaders. There's nothing he can do. The boy has a weapon and Gerard does not. There are two of them and one of him. The power dynamic has switched entirely from the last time these two sides altercated.

Gerard yields. He backs away slowly, turning around as he gets close enough to the gates and walks out of his courtyard. The very second he passes the ambit the gates start closing behind him, locking him out of his sanctuary.

He looks up at the dimming sky and then around the rustling trees and down the long road leading up to his house. He suddenly feels very exposed, naked almost. He has been careless in the past about making it back home in time for sundown, but this is an entirely different experience. He has no car, no weapon, no shelter to head towards.

Continuing to stare down the seemingly endless road ahead Gerard does the only thing he can do. He starts running, sprinting as fast as he can go and pushing himself harder after every pace. He pants heavily, becoming more strained and exerted the further he goes, but does not consider stopping or slowing down for even a second. He doesn't have such a luxury.

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