"LUKE!!!!" I heard screaming made me startled and get up noticed Ashton wasn't in bed anymore which made me freak a bit. "Ashton?! Fuck, where are you babe?" I just noticed Ashton can't hear me. Dumbass.

I searched in the bathroom and he wasn't there, I decided to look for him in the living room and then the kitchen and found him with broken glass on the tile floor and saw Ashton just standing there so close to step on it

"Fuck! Ashton!" I carefully walk towards him and get him out of it because he would step on it with his barefoot and cut his foot deeply with the glass. I took him to the sofa and made him sit calmly

"Luke! What happened! I'm so sorry! I didn't-" I cut him off with a kiss, hoping it would calm him down a bit "it's not your fault baby, it's never your fault" telling him but I know he can't hear me, I gave him a big hug and left them there to clean the mess

I grabbed the biggest pieces of glass I see on the floor with a rag carefully and dump them on the waste bin and picked up the smallest with the broomstick and wipe off the liquid Ashton knocked down which was water. After the mess I refill a new glass cup with water which I'm guessing Ashton wanted. I walk to Ashton with a new glass cup to his hand. Ashton is suppose to feel what it is and he knew it was water and drank out of it

"Thanks Luke" I've noticed that he doesn't calls me babe or baby anymore. It's something I'm used to now. I guess he isn't really in the mood of calling me that anymore and it hurts because I guess he would no longer call me his baby and it makes me really sad.

I nodded on his response and watch him enjoy his drink. I wouldn't stop staring at him for a second. He would always gets annoyed when people stare at him drink or eat when he's the only one eating. It would make him giggle shyly.


"And then this guy was like 'you have crazy hair' like no duh?" Says Michael with a silly sarcasm face he puts. Us four being silly in Calum's living room. I had Ashton right besides me eating some of his favorite noodles

"That's why we're punk, we're suppose to look crazy?!" Calum added. I shook my head trying not to laugh

"Not quite Calum" I said to him and look over to Ashton who's slurping on the liquid of the noodles. He saw me and giggled
"What?" He smiled at me.

"Nothing" I smiled leaning forward to him, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek while Calum and Michael looks at us

"Get a room!" Michael yells in a singing tone.

"Awkward," Ashton added giggling trying to finish his noodles but couldn't since he's feeling awkward around us now.

Flashback Ends

"Are you staring at me?" Ashton says smiling awkwardly interrupted me from my thoughts but his smile would make everything better which I found it cute when I saw him like that . I got up and say by him pulling him close to me wrapping my arms around him hearing his giggles which it really made me smile because there's nothing about him that wouldn't made me smile.

I intertwined our fingers again and looked at Ashton's eyes which were pointing out to the ceiling again but I was looking into them. He blinks a few times which was really weird he hasn't blinked that many times before

"Why are you blinking like that?"

I question myself but it was actually for Ashton but I hope he tells me about it soon. Then he blinks several times. I was curious what's making him blink that many. I was worried.

"I feel safe around you.." Ashton said with a soft voice. I smiled. The first five words he told me when I was with him when his mum didn't accepted him as a gay. He was going for suicide and I stopped him which brings me back to the memories.


Ashton ran to the restroom on a Saturday from his mum's house "she hates me!" Tears streaming down his face trying to catch up to him

"Ashton wait!" I said

"I just want to die! I just want to get it over with! No one accepts me anyways! I lost everyone" He enters inside the bathroom but he couldn't close the door when I had my foot on it. I opened the door closed it after I entered and pushes him to the wall to stop him, I was muscular for him to push me off. I hate seen him like that. I love Ashton and I'm not going to let him do this. It'll make me sad if he left me here

"You're not! I'm here for you and you know that, please stop saying that. I'm still here Ashton?! I never left and never will" I said pulling him close to me as his tears were leaving stains on my shirt but I didn't mind at all. He hugged me tightly, and I love how he was holding me, around my waist.

"I feel safe around you" he said, I kissed his head while stroking his messy hair

"Good because I care about you so much, you have no idea" I said.

He was looking down and I looked at his wrists, they were new open cuts and scars. He was judged by a lot of people and he would cut himself to let go of the pain. I kisses them, one by one, Ashton was staring at me kissing his scars and cuts

"W-what are y-you doing?" He said crying some more.

"Kissing your scars and cuts. If you want to feel love then I'll kiss them because I want you to love yourself like I love you." I pressed my lips onto his. I felt him kissing me. His lips were being apart so I slide my tongue inside of his mouth a swirl. I felt his tongue touching mine and heard his small moans.

Flashback Ends

I snapped out of my thoughts again and smile watching Ashton taking a nap. My thumb rubbing his left wrist when not-so-much-showing scars. My other hand was stroking his hair slowly. He really likes the way I stroke his hair. I'm just so lucky to have an angel on my hands.

The living room was on silence again, it actually very quiet. It was getting dawn, the room was getting dark. I can actually feel the way Ashton is now feeling. It was sad and scary and cold. I looked back at Ashton half face and shades face. I place a quick kiss on his lips and pulled away looking back at him.

"I'll never leave you, I promise" I told myself as I hear Ashton sleep calmly.



(A/N): I seriously make myself cry.

Do you think Luke will leave Ashton in the future or is he leaving him for special treatment?

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