Ishqbaaz - Love After Marriage Episode 4

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Haii guys, thanks a lot for ur comments.

Here goes the next episode

In office
Peon brings the files.
Anika : this many files.
Shivaay : u shud finish all this work today itself.
Anika : but how can I?
Shivaay : who said u to come late? Finish it faster and I'm going.
Anika : but where?
Shivaay : to my house.
Anika : then me.
Shivaay : finish ur work and come to home. Ur car is there in the parking area. He goes. Anika becomes sad and checks her file.

In Oberoi Mansion
Shivaay comes there.
Dadi : billu, where is Anika?
Shivaay : she is in office, she has some work, he ll come soon.
Dadi : ok.

In Shivika's room
Shivaay comes there and sees the black suit. He smiles seeing it. He takes it and sees a note in it.
Note : This is the gift from ur sweet wife. Wear this when u feel that u r the most luckiest person in this world. I want u to be Shivaay.
From Anika.
Shivaay smiles. He keeps it safe and goes to freshen up. He comes back and sits in front of laptop. Later he checks the watch and its 9:00 pm.
Shivaay : y didn't Anika come, its too late. He decides to go to office.

In office
Anika sits and checks the files. Shivaay comes there. She sees Shivaay.
Shivaay : didn't y finish it till now.
Anika : just few more files. Shivaay pulls her.
Shivaay : its enough for today, everybody r waiting for u.
Anika : aaaaaa, leave me, I ll come only after finishing this.
Shivaay : r u mad, come with me.
Anika : I ll come only after finishing this, plzzz.
Shivaay : ok, just 5 mins, if u won't come within 5 mins, then I ll go.
Anika : just 5 mins. Shivaay sits near her. Wind blows and her hairs disturb her. She tries to tuckle it but the hairs were not listening to her. Shivaay slowly tucks her hair behind her ear. She looks at him. She smiles.
Shivaay : just two mins. Anika becomes faster.
Shivaay : time up.
Anika : shivaay plzzz wait just for 2 mins.
Shivaay : no, bye. He goes.
Later after half an hour, Anika finishes her work. She goes down. She sees that the lights are off. She gets scared. Suddenly she dashes with somebody. He comes near to her. She can't see his face.
Anika : go away from here. The man pulls her and takes her to the lift. She closed her eyes in fear.
Man : open ur eyes. She opens her eyes and sees Shivaay. She gets happy and takes a deep breathe and hugs him. Shivaay was shocked with her sudden action. He reciprocates. Anika smiles. Just then Shivaay realises his position and breaks the hug. He wipes her tears.
Shivaay : (teasing) till today evening I thought that ur so brave but now understood that u can show ur attitude only to me.
Anika : don't tease me. They come out of the office.
Shivaay : get inside the car.
Anika : no, I ll come in my car.
Shivaay : listen to me.
Anika : nooo. Shivaay lifted her and made her sit in the car.
Anika : leave me.
Shivaay : sit quietly. Wear the seat belt.
Anika : I won't were. Shivaay makes her wear the seat belt. He goes closer to her. He tucks her hair behind her ear.
Shivaay : ur looking good in saree. Anika looks on being surprised. She smiles. He drives the car.
Anika : shivaay, did u like my gift?
Shivaay : wat gift?
Anika : that black suit.
Shivaay : Ooo, that one.
Anika : ya, did u like that.
Shivaay : ya, its nice. But of no use.
Anika : y, u can wear it. I ll make u wear it.
Shivaay : we ll see. They reach Oberoi Mansion.

In Oberoi Mansion
Shivaay and Anika comes in the hall. Everyone are sitting in hall. Shivaay gets a call and Anika goes to room.
Jhanvi : I think something is wrong with Shivaay and Anika.
Pinky : jethenji is right, normally newly wedded couples are always together but they behave as strangers.
Shakti : even I feel so. Only one day has finished after their marriage and they are not happy.
Tej : ya, they have gone to office the next day.
Dadi : we ll ask them.
Jhanvi : yes we shud, we can't make it late.
Tej : ya, Shivaay's past shud not affect their life. Omrupri supports them.

In Shivika's room
Anika is removing her jewellery. Shivaay comes near her and helps her to remove her jewellery. Everyone comes there and sees them closer. They hide and watches them. Anika tries to go but Shivaay pulls her closer and caress her face. She kisses her neck.
Rudra : oo my mata......
Anika : Shivaay.... Wat r u doing?
Shivaay : wat happened? Can't I touch my wife. She blushes. He moves towards her lips.
Jhanvi : come lets go, its not good to see all this.
Pinky : thank god, they don't have any problem between them. They goes. Shivaay sees this. He moves back.
Shivaay : actually, everyone were there, they have a doubt that we have some problems. I don't want to make them sad. So I did..... All this. Anika smiles.
Shivaay : ur blushing a lot. He goes. She thinks of their moment. She blushes.

In Shivika's room
Shivaay comes and sees Anika taking blanket. She tries to go outside but he pulls her.
Anika : now wat drama is left.
Shivaay : u can sleep in the couch. Don't go outside, if somebody sees u then they get doubt on us.
Anika : ok. She sleeps on the couch. Shivaay sleeps on the bed. Suddenly Anika gets up and tries to go outside. But Shivaay stops her.
Shivaay : where r u going at this time?
Anika : to hug Omru.
Shivaay : wat, r u mad..... They may be sleeping, u can hug them later.
Anika : u know I can't sleep without a hug. Yesterday I slept because of their hug but still not peacefully. Today if I didn't get a hug then I won't get sleep.
Shivaay : Now u won't go anywhere, thats final.
Anika : so u won't allow me to go outside.
Shivaay : no.
Anika : then fine. She goes to him and hugs him. She smiles.
Anika : this hug is more than enough for me to sleep peacefully. She breaks the hug.
Shivaay : ok, now go and sleep. Good night. Anika smiles and kisses in his cheek.
Anika : this is for u to sleep peacefully. She tries to go but Shivaay holds her and pulls her closer and kisses her both cheeks. She gets a 440 volts shock. He smiles.
Shivaay : normally u give me shocks so I decided to give u few shocks. This is just a starting. Good night. He goes and sleeps. Anika blushes and goes to sleep.

Precap :
New entry........ Somebody gets a slap......

Author's note :
Guys, I'm really sorry as I made a delay to update this episode. For few days, I'm very busy, so I won't be able to update soon. And I include Omri and Rumya scenes later, now I ll concentrate on Shivika. So hope that u all ll like this episode. Don't forget to comment. Bye guys.

By Ashwathy

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