Chapter 4: Fvck, Fvck, Fvck!

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~ [Evelyn] ~

While I was an education major, it was a requirement to take a science lecture and a lab course that worked alongside that lecture. In addition, I had to take a discussion class where there were only about twenty other students, one of which tried to befriend me today.

Dana Pham had her little pencil pouch out and it was a fuzzy bear with an elongated back and a zipper on it. Everything about her screamed high maintenance, but I didn't mind because I kind of had that issue, too. Her long black hair looked soft as it poured over her shoulders and reached her elbows at an even length. Her white shirt dress was unstained and pinched at the waist by her thin brown belt.

"Cute pouch," she noted as she smiled at me and pointed to the my piggy pouch, which wasn't as fuzzy but it did have a cartoon pig face on the end.

We made small talk for a while, because the TA was late and when fifteen minutes had passed, we followed the well known rule: If not seen in fifteen, you can leave.

I had to wake up early for work today, and after a lecture, I needed coffee. I was going to go after this discussion, but now's a good time as any. Sitting down at the table I was just sitting at the other day with Mason, I started to take out my notebook to see if I had done enough to prepare myself for the chemistry lab class I had within the next hour.

What could you possibly do in the lab that would need four entire hours? I won't even be able to head home until 10 tonight and that bugged me, especially since this class was located literally across campus from where I had parked my car. So I'll be walking through this giant school in the dark, alone and vulnerable.

I always carried pepper spray, but I mean, if they attacked me, how would I react fast enough? Ugh, fine. Let them attack me. As a college student, I've lost the ability to care.

"Hey, mind if I sit?" I looked up to see Dana standing beside the chair opposite of mine. I nodded at her with a small smile as I continued through my mental checklist: Pre-lab, goggles, apron, gloves, and appropriate clothes.

I couldn't wear anything cute today because they have a rule that my legs and shoulders should be covered, so I wore a pair of dark jeans, white tennis shoes, and a pink graphic tee. My shirt had a little winking cartoon tofu on it and read "I ❤️ tofu" with the word tofu strategically spaced like "to f u."

"So your name is Evelyn?" I could tell she was trying to make conversation and while I was exhausted, I thought it was sweet. Everyone at this school seemed to keep to themselves and I was starting to think that Harper might be the only friend I'll ever have, although, that doesn't sound all that bad.

"Yeah, you're Dana, right?" I tucked my things back into my bag and gave her my full attention.

"Yeah," she smiled at me and I smiled back, "So you don't seem like a chem major, why are you taking it?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, making her laugh at my reaction to the mention of our chemistry class. The lectures reached three hundred students and the lessons looked like they were put together by a ten year old trying out powerpoint.

"I'm actually an education major, but I just wanted to get all the g.e.'s out of the way," I explained to her with a scowl on my face.

"And you chose chemistry? Are you nuts?" Her tone made me laugh, but I did realize how hard this subject was.

"It was the only class that fit my schedule, and even the lab was the only one that fit my schedule," I told her as I blew away a strand of hair that fell on my face.

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