The Rocket Festival

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"So, Laos, why did you call us all here for?" Cambodia asked the other Southeast Asian country.

"Yeah, I'm wondering that myself." Philippines spoke up. Everybody was currently on a Skype call, because Laos had called them and had told them to get on a call together. "Well," Laos had started, "It's because I want to invite you all to the Rocket Festival this year!"

"I've only heard of the Rocket Festival, but I actually don't really know what it is. Can you maybe tell us a bit more about it?" Malaysia asked. The others, except Laos, nodded in agreement, signaling that they would also like to know.

Laos began to explain the festival to the others with a smile present on her face, "Boun Bang Fai, or the Rocket Festival is a time where people gather around with homemade bamboo rockets. The rockets will be shot up into the sky to ask for a prosperous harvest. The rockets will be judged based on flight and design and if a rocket fails to launch, the technician will be forced to drink muddy water or rice whisky. During the festival, men will also dress in women's clothing to anger the gods."

"I'll be sure to go!" Thailand exclaimed positively with a smile on his face. "I'm glad to hear that!" Laos replied to him.

"Sounds pretty interesting. Besides the muddy water thing. I guess I'll go too." Cambodia decided. Everybody kept on saying that they would go to the Rocket Festival, until it went to Philippine's choice.

"So, will you go or not, Philippines?" Laos asked him. Philippines looked like he was really thinking about it. It took about a few minutes until he finally answered. "I will go to the festival." He finally said.

"Great!" Laos exclaimed, "I can't wait to see everyone there! But until then, don't forget about the festival and don't forget to wear something that isn't totally flammable because who knows if something will go wrong~"

All the excitement everyone was feeling was now accompanied by a little bit of worry. But the little Laotian girl still held the smile on her face while everyone else looked at her like she was crazy.

Singapore decided to speak up, "When will the festival take place anyway?"

Laos looked as if she were trying to remember, "The festival will begin in three days at noon." Singapore gave a slight nod at the answer. 

"I'll be sure to be prepared for it!" Philippines spoke.

"I can't wait to see you all there!" Laos exclaimed with a happy smile on her face.

"Yep! Same here!" Indonesia chimed, smiling. "I have to go now, if you guys don't mind. Bye!" Indonesia said as she logged off of the call. The others logged off too, until it was only down to two people. Laos and Philippines.

"Don't you need to log off too, Philippines?" Laos asked him. Philippines nodded.

"Yeah, but I just wanted to say something." Philippines said. "And that's to wish you luck with planning and organizing the festival. I'm sure it will be great if you're planning it!" Philippines smiled brightly at Laos.

"Oh! Thank you very much. I will try my best for you guys!" Laos said, determined. "I need to go now, too. But I can't wait to see you at the festival, goodbye!" Laos then logged off, and Philippines did the same.

It was three days later, the day of the festival and Laos was tending to a few little details.

"Now where did I put it?" Laos pondered out loud to herself. "Are you talking to yourself now Laos? Do we need to take you to a doctor?" A voice said behind her.

Laos turned around to see someone she wasn't really expecting until later. "Phili?" The Philippines smiled at the younger nation. "The one and only! Oh, thanks for the nickname by the way."

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