Chapter Ten

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I've been staying at Alan's place for about two weeks now. It's been a week since we went shopping.

Were lot doing anything this week because we did two things last week (buy jeans and something with holes in it.)
But now we're packing for a tour. And to be completely honest, I don't know what a tour is.

I've been to embarrassed to ask, so I've just been going along with it. We're all leaving in four days, on a Tuesday to be exact. All that I know is that we're flying to Florida, and then we're gonna drive around America in a bus for six weeks. Which, if you ask me, is a very long time to be on a bus with a group of men. I was eager to see how t was going to go.

"Do you have a bathing suit?" Alan asked, he was sitting on the be while I folded some of my clothing, placing them in the suitcase Alan borrowed me carefully.

"I don't know what that is." I informed him as I continued to fold things.

"You've never been swimming?"

I paused. "That's when you enter a pool with other people right?" I asked, looking up at him.

"It's being in water in general. It could be a pool, a lake, even an ocean." he explained.

"I've only ever swam in a bathtub. Alone."

I saw a smirk play on his lips, I sent him a warning glance. "Alright, we'll buy you one in Florida and we can go swimming in the ocean." Alan planned. I nodded and smiled at him.

Week five

"December." I heard a voice. "December it's time to wake up." I rustled a little bit. "Ember, come on."

My eyes fluttered open and I saw a familiar face right in front of mine. Alan was leaning over the bed with his hands on my shoulders as he tried to wake me up. "Hm?" I stretched.

"We have to go to the airport babe." He whispered as he let go of me and walked into the washroom. I could hear the shower turn on, I glanced over at the clock, four thirty am. I yawned and got out of Alan's bed, I had clothes laid out already.
I've still refrained from wearing jeans. I haven't really left the house in a whole anyway so I've been wearing leggings and the baggy black sweater Alan had bought for me when I wasn't looking. It had a large ampersand on the front. I wasn't sure why he wanted me to have it, but I wear it none the less.

Alan emerged from the washroom, still only in sweatpants. He walked into his closet and came back out with a pair of black jeans and a plain white shirt. He glanced over at me, I was standing above the dress that was laid on the ground.

"I'm gonna change now." Alan told me , he raised his eyebrows when I didn't flinch. "You're gonna watch me change?" he laughed.

"You watched me change a while back." I didn't really want to see Alan change, but I wanted to be bold. He shrugged and put on the shirt, since he wasn't already wearing one he didn't have to take anything off first. I swallowed hard when I saw him grab the waist band of his sweatpants. He smirked at me. I quickly grabbed my dress off the ground and ran into the washroom before I could see him. I heard him laughing from outside the bathroom door.

I took a quick shower before brushing my hair and teeth and putting on my dress. I didn't have anytime to do much makeup so I put on mascara and exited the washroom. Alan wasn't in the bedroom so I went to the kitchen, I saw that Alan was rummaging around in the fridge. I spotted a small bowl of grapes on the counter.

"Are these for me?" I quizzed as I approached. He pulled a jug of orange juice out before slamming the door.

"Yep." He smiled he walked over to the cupboard of cups. "Juice?".

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