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It was a dark night ,there was no moon, only the stars in the sky to guide the lone viking ship that was moving through the sea waters. An island was in sight. The island was hazardous to approach with it's rocky terrain but the crew of the vessel was experienced. They had traveled through rougher waters and harsher elements in the name of their leader and Chief. Navigating to avoid the rocks which could smash the vessel and cause them to be marooned and stranded the crew soon struck land.  The first to jump off ship was the Chief himself followed by six of his most trusted men. The rest remained on the ship attending the sails and ensuring they would be able to leave in due time as soon as the Chiefs business was attended to.

The small party of marauders soon made their way across the rocks and drift wood that made up the beach of the island. All sights were upon the cliff in the distance and the cave where they were heading.  Upon reaching the mouth of the cave, the six men spread out hefting their weapons to make sure no enemies would enter the cave while their leader was inside and potentially vulnerable. The Chief himself entered alone hefting a torch into the dark cave which was vacant of all light and life. He stepped through the cave as shadows danced along the walls the distant sounds of waves crashing on the surf in the distance, and the sound of water dripping from stalactites around him. It was not long till he entered the main chamber of the cave. Large skins of animals hung from the opening, he took in a deep breath as he moved the skins aside so that he could enter.

Upon entering the main chamber of the cave there was a sickly green light all around the room. The room, which was cluttered with tables, chairs, shelves, and various bric-a-brac of witch craft and sorcery. In the center of the room stood three ancient, elderly, crones who looked as old as time itself they were gathered around a cauldron which was over a fire. The Chief was about to speak to announce his presence and make his intentions known when the first crone spoke 

"We already know who you are."

"And why you have come" the second spoke.

The third had to say "No one who comes to Crone Island comes with noble intentions or a pure heart. You have malicious intentions."

"We sensed them as soon as you entered!" they spoke in unison.

"Alright, well if you know all this then will you help me? and what exactly is it that I want?" he spoke indignantly as if these beldams really knew so much.

"You seek a maid who was never a great beauty but has grown into one in the summer of her youth" the first spoke.

"Hair of auburn like a forest in autumn. Eyes the color of emeralds and milky white skin" the second spoke.

"Where once was awkward and gangly is soft and graceful. Truly of childbearing age and shape" cackled the third.

"She rides a Night fury into your heart" the first laughed.

The Chief clenched his fists and felt his face start to flush as the crones seemed to find all of this terribly amusing to laugh at his hearts desire. "Alright, alright the stories are true you do know what is at the center of a man's heart. Now will you help me or am I the victim of your amusements?" he said feeling perturbed.

"Sisters what shall it be? Shall we help the lad?" asked the second.

"Remember any help we offer the price is high, the price is high." added the third.

"Very well!" the three announced in unison.

The first crone stepped forward with a leather pouch setting it upon an empty table by the chief along with a small spoon carved from bone. He looked at it in some confusion and wander until the the first crone said: 

"In order, for her to see you as someone she can trust and give her heart too she will need convincing".

"No, simple farm girl is she. For she is wise, intelligent and cunning all these attributes you must possess in order to ride the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself." said the second.

"In the evenings, mix a spoonful of this mixture in a glass of water make sure she drinks all of it she will be amenable to what you desire." spoke the third crone.

"Make sure you are alone with her though" warned the first crone.

"Once she has drunk the mixture convince her that you are to be trusted, you care and cherish her that is how you will win her favor" spoke the second.

"You can also convince her to be distrustful of others friends, family, whomever you choose." suggested the third.

A dark and evil smile creeped across the Chiefs face. Finally, everything he had wanted for so long would be his. No more half baked schemes that fell apart this was truly a fool proof plan. He could see it all so clearly now the citizens of Berk would not know what happened and he would be laughing in the end.

"But.." warned the first "You must do this for thirty nights in order for this to be effective."

"If you fall short of thirty nights it will not work and all you have worked for will crumble to dust" added the second.

"You must wait for your Wedded union for any conjugal bliss as well" added the third. All three crones giving him a knowing smile and nodding their heads as if they knew what he thought about when he was alone at night in his bed.

Once again the Chief clenched his knuckles he had had all he could take of these hags and their knowing smiles and how they seemed able to read his thoughts. Then he thought of a question "Will this harm her in anyway?" Upon hearing this the crones erupted into laughter.

"Sisters did you hear what he had to say? said the first.

"Comes to Crone Island with UN-noble purposes with a tainted heart and worries about harming the one he desires" cackled the second.

"It is as we told you all magic comes with a price" mentioned the third.

"THE PRICE IS HIGH! THE PRICE IS HIGH! THE PRICE IS HIGH!" the three crones all cackled loudly together.

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