Começar do início

"No," she shook her head, and took me in her arms. "But I'll be careful, I promise," she kissed my forehead, and I held onto her tightly. "You go upstairs and get prepared for your party."

"When is dad coming home?"

"He should be there in a few," she said, and shooed me away. "No go make yourself even prettier, and get ready to have a conversation with Alice."

I smiled, and stood up, "Thank you, mom."

Once again, I ignored the headache I had and ran upstairs to my room. I changed my clothes and put a new pair of black high waisted jeans, and a white blouse with some black heels I put with practically everything. After I changed my clothes, I went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror and put some cold water over my face. I exhaled loudly, and did my hair and make up.

Doing so, different thoughts came in my mind: what if I was simply becoming paranoid? What if that weird feeling was nothing? What if I was just upset with the fact that Alice and I argued?

Ever since I discovered I had the ability to see the future, I was always careful about the feelings I had. It started when I was much younger, around twelve years old. My grandfather was sick, and nobody knew it but me because I saw him in a hospital bed even before he was told he was sick. Shortly after I told my mother that I thought something was wrong with him according to the flashes I had, he was diagnosed with a lung cancer. And that's when she knew I was special. Ever since that day, I could feel whenever something was wrong with someone I cared for, someone I loved.

As the bathroom's window was open, I felt the wind hitting my neck, which gave me chills all over my body. I finished putting my make up on, and closed the window to prevent the chilly wind to come into the room. I put my hands on the frame, and, at the contact of my skin on the cold surface, images came flooding my mind.

I shut my eyes tightly, as the flashes continued to direct my mind. It was all blurry, and I had troubles to understand everything that was going on. All I could see was a couple of men coming into the house through the bathroom's window. Their faces were covered with ski masks, so I couldn't identify who was hiding behind them.

I shook my head, and locked the bathroom's window, careful to look if nobody was on the outside of the house. Without thinking twice about it, I went back downstairs and called after my mom several times.

"Hayley, calm down, I'm here!" she exclaimed, and appeared in the living room where I was standing. "What is it?"

"I—I saw them. You have to leave the house tonight."

"What are you talking about? Who did you see?"

"There were wearing masks, I—I didn't see their face," I stuttered, panicked. "They were coming through the bathroom's window. Mom, trust me, please. You have to leave the house tonight!"

"And let some people come into my home without doing anything? Hayley, this is absurd!"

"Absurd? Mom, please! You don't get it, it's dangerous!" I raised my voice, more scared than ever.

"What is going on here?" my father asked, as he arrived in the living room with his little suitcase in his right hand.

"Oh God, dad," I said, as I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Again, at the contact of his body against mine, I felt another sharp pain in my left shoulder this time. Without warning, images of my dad with his hands up in the air invaded my mind. Quickly after, images of a man pointing a gun towards him made my blood run cold.

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