twenty seven.

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Finally, Mitch is able to see Scott for the first time in months.

"Go," Kirstie whispers as she gently pushes Mitch into the room. She slowly backs up and shuts the door, leaving Scott and Mitch alone. Mitch doesn't know what to say but he knows that he needs to be there. He needs to talk to Scott and make things right between them.

"Scott," Mitch says quietly as he slowly walks towards the bed.

Scott slowly opens his eyes and looks up. His eyes widen as soon as he realizes that it's Mitch.

"I know this is a shock to you but..."

Scott shakes his head and his breathing quickens, which Mitch instantly notices.

"Scott-" Mitch rushes over to him and grabs his hand. "Scott, hey... breathe for me."

Scott's lips begin to tremble and he can already feel the tears forming in his eyes.

Mitch is here. He's really here. Scott should hate Mitch for breaking up with him when he needed him most but he doesn't. He missed Mitch more than anything in the world.

"Deep breaths. That's it," Mitch whispers, breathing at the same pace at Scott.

"M-Mi-Mitch?" Scott asks, holding onto his hand tightly, not daring to let go.

"I'm here," Mitch whispers. "And I'm so fucking sorry for not being here for you. I should have known Alex would go back to you. I should have tried but I was pissed when I had no reason to be. You just wanted an education and I should have supported you. I just... long distance relationships scare me."

"You don't have to explain," Scott whispers, his voice still sore from screaming.

"Yes, I do. You deserve an explanation, especially after how I treated you," Mitch tells him. "I love you."

Scott's eyes light up instantly, causing Mitch to smile.

"You do?" Scott asks, looking up at Mitch. "Even after everything...?"

"I never stopped loving you, silly. We would probably still be together had I not been so stubborn before. But, that all changes today. I'm going to help you get back on your feet, okay?"

"Okay," Scott slowly nods. "What about college?"

"Of course," Mitch chuckles. "You need to focus on healing. And... if you want... you can move to L.A and do school there when you feel better. I would feel much better if you were closer to me."

"You mean... like how I suggested before?" Scott asks, smiling a little.

"Alright, calm down," Mitch laughs. "But yes. We'll find you a school near me but not until you're healed."

"How long will it take for me to be healed?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure. It could be weeks or months but I'm sure we can work something out with your college,"

"I don't even want to do school anymore," Scott mumbles.

"What? Why not?" Mitch asks, frowning. "You worked so hard..."

"Too much work," Scott mumbles. "Please don't make me go back."

"It's your decision but please think about this before you make your final decision, okay?" Mitch whispers. He moves his hand closer to Scott's face but instantly pulls back when Scott flinches. "I hate Alex."

Scott takes a deep breath and closes his eyes at the mention of Alex's name.

Scott just wants to forget about Alex and move on with his life.

"Are you tired? Maybe you should rest," Mitch suggests.

Scott shakes his head. "I've been in a coma for a week. I don't need to rest," he says.

"Are you hungry then? You haven't eaten yet, have you? I'll have Kirstie grab something from the cafeteria,"

"Thank you," Scott says before coughing a few times.

"Relax, Scott," Mitch tells him softly. "Take it easy, okay? You've been through a lot."

"Y-You don't know the half of it," Scott sniffs.

Mitch tenses slightly, even though he knows he deserves it because he wasn't there for Scott.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I know I treated you like shit before but I'm going to do better-"

"What?" Scott asks, blinking a few times as he looks up at Mitch.

"I'm going to be a better boyfr- I mean friend," Mitch blushes as he looks down at his hands.

Scott smiles a little, instantly noticing Mitch's slip up. "I thought you were dating?"

"I'm not dating anyone," Mitch chuckles. "No one wants to put up with my busy schedule."

"I did, and I would have had you let me," Scott tells him.

"Let's talk about this later, okay? I want you to rest," Mitch tells him.

Scott whines but obeys, mostly because he's too exhausted to argue with Mitch.  

more than just a fan. (scomiche au) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now