205 5 18

Sam's Pov

My cheek was still stinging from where the man slapped me. I was trying to get away but was unsuccessful. I looked around the small room and saw all the bodies of my friends slumped against the wall. I couldn't cry, I was too scared.

Josh was tied to a chair next to me, his head was slumped forward. Just then, he began to wake up.

"W-what? Where am I?!" Josh yelled as soon as he realized he was tied up.

"Shhh Josh, it's okay I'm here." I attempted to sooth.

"Not for long." The psycho man interrupted. "Sorry Sammy, you're next."

Josh noticed the bodies and began screaming. "Beth! Hannah! NO!!" He thrashed violently in his chair, trying to escape the ropes that binded him.

The man just rolled his eyes and waited for Josh to stop freaking out. I knew better than that though. I knew Josh very well and I knew he was going to have a panic attack. Just as I thought this, Josh started crying and hyperventilating.

"Please let me help him!" I cried. "I promise not to run just please let me help him." I begged the psycho.

He seemed to contemplate my request for a minute before he nodded his head and began to untie me. As soon as I was free I ran and crouched in front of Josh and began to untie him.

"What the hell are you doing?" The man asked, clearly pissed off.

"Well I can't help him when he's tied up." I sassed.


I finished untying Josh and he immediately collapsed into my arms. I hugged him tightly as he continued to panic.

"It's okay Josh, I've got you. We're going to be okay. Just take deep breaths."

The man moved to the other side of the room and was preparing something. Once Josh had calmed down I leaned over and whispered to him.

"Josh we need to get out of here." I said in a low voice.

"How are we supposed to do that?" He whispered back.

I glanced around the room and saw several items scattered around that the man had forgotten to pick up. I saw a bloody pocket knife on the floor and got an idea. Before the psycho turned around, I scooped it up and hid it behind my back.

Josh seemed to understand my plan and nodded his head at me. "Do it." He said with a small reassuring smile.

The psycho came back over to us, holding​ a bat in his hands.

"Okay children, back in your seats please." The psycho instructed.

He sat Josh in his seat and tied his hands back to the chair. Josh tried his hardest not to look at the bodies, not wanting to have another break down.

The man turned his attention back to me and I gave him a smile.

"Why are you smiling at me like that." He demanded. "Are you up to something?"

"No?" I continued to smile.

He rolled his eyes and motioned to the chair next to Josh. I held the knife tightly in my hand behind my back and stood up slowly. I started to back towards the chair while the man started to walk towards me.

Once he was close enough, I stabbed the knife with all my force into his chest.

"You little bitch!" He screamed in pain. I smiled at my accomplishment and scooped up the bat that had fallen from his hands when I stabbed him. I swung the bat at his head and smiled when it made contact.

The psycho fell to the floor and clutched his head. I beat him over and over with the bat until he was nothing but a bloody mess on the floor.

"Josh we need to go!" I yelled as I untied him.

Together me and Josh made our way out of the cellar we were trapped in. Josh was crying again from the trauma he had been through and I helped him walk. I had blood all over me, but it wasn't mine.

We walked down the road and I tried to flag someone down to help us.
Finally someone stopped and gave us a ride to the police station.

Thank God this is finally over..


There will be an epilogue after this :p

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