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Third person Pov

"Beth congratulations, you get to join your sister!" The psycho exclaimed happily.

Beth glanced at the body of her sister and a few silent tears slipped down her cheeks. She remembered the family trips they took in the summer to blackwood pines, where they would all play baseball outside. She thought about comforting Hannah when her first boyfriend broke up with her. She also remembered late night movie marathons with Hannah, Josh and Josh's girlfriend (y/n).

Beth cried harder when she realized she would never see her sister or brother or best friend again.

Jessica stared at Mike's body, unable to sob. Of course she missed him and was heartbroken, but she was in so much shock. The tears finally spilled out when the realization that she would never have a future with Mike hit. She would never get to see Mike get down on one knee and ask her to marry him, she would never have a child and get to be a mother.

"Aww girls don't cry, it's better this way." The man spoke as he pulled out his bloodied pocket knife. "Now Beth don't worry, this will only hurt a lot."

He stalked closer to the crying brunette that was tied helplessly to a chair in front of him. Beth squirmed and attempted to loosen​ the ropes that bound her to the chair.

"Stay still." The man commanded as he brought the knife closer to Beth's face.

When he was finally close enough he stabbed the knife right into Beth's left eye. She cried out in pain and shook her head back and forth trying to get the object out of her eye.

The psycho continued to twist and wiggle the knife, slowly and painfully scooping Beth's eye out. After minutes of painful torture, he got her eye out completely.

Beth's head was spinning and she nearly passed out due to the intense pain in her eye socket and head. Jessica sobbed quietly, hearing her friends screams.

"Now let's get the other one." The insane man laughed.

"N-no please..." Beth begged in a quiet tone, not having enough energy to yell.

"Sorry cupcake." He chuckled as he repeated the process with her right eye. Beth couldn't cry for obvious reasons but the sound still escaped her lips. When the psycho had successfully gouged out both eyes he smiled happily.

"Now let's finish this."

Just like with Hannah, he stabbed her in the throat. But he didn't just stab her once, he stabbed her over and over in the neck, stomach, chest and legs.

After about 39 different stab wounds, Beth was dead. The man shrugged and wiped the blood onto his pant legs.

The man left again to grab another teen. He came back five minutes later with a boy with dark brown hair and green eyes.

The boy was unconscious so he laid him on the floor and moved Beth's bodies by the others. Then he moved the brown haired boy into the chair and secured him to it tightly.

"Okie dokie. Josh or Jessica? Also do you guys want to see what I look like?" >:)

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