"NO!" the group cried, as suddenly the Foot Bots arrived and surrounded them.

Raph frowned, "You just had to open your mouth?"

"Whoops." Twilight said sheepishly.

Arriving after the Foot Bots were Karai and the Dazzlings, "There you are. We were waiting." Karai said.

"Sorry we didn't make you wait longer." Rainbow replied.

"Hope you're ready for another beat down." Casey drew his hockey stick.

"On the contrary, we brought in something to beat you down." Adagio replied.

"I'm calling your bluff." Mikey challenged.

"Oh, it's no bluff." Aria answered, as Chrome Done dropped in before them.

The Rainbooms were taken by surprise, as Mikey called, "Chrome Dome?!"

"That's a big robot." Pinkie admitted.

"How can we fight that thing?" Rarity asked in worry.

"Like this!" Casey went to attack it, "Goongala!" he swung his hockey stick, only for Chrome Dome to grab the stick. Casey looked sheepish, before the robot threw him aside and Casey rolled across the roof.

"Casey!" April called.

"Attack!" Karai ordered, and the Foot Bots and Dazzlings went on the attack like before.

The Turtles and their friends engaged their enemies like before, with them slicing and dicing the Foot bots.

Karai jumped in and fought Twilight, "You got lucky last time, but now this is where I finish you." the ninja girl warned the princess.

"I still have to pay you back for kidnapping Spike!" Twilight replied, as she fought back.

Karai blocked some moves before tripping her, "I'll accept payment in your life."

"Back off, Karai!" Leo jumped in and fought her.

"Thanks, Leo." Twilight said, as she got up and fought along side him.

The Dazzlings fought Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, and Applejack who fought back with all their might.

"I hate to sya it, but you girls really are good at this." Rainbow admitted.

"Thank you. We'll be sure your end is swift and painless when this is over." Adagio replied, as the two fought.

Aria sighed, "You've been listening to Shredder talk too much, Adagio."

The turtles and rest of the Rainbooms were clearing through the Foot Bots, before Chrome Dome fought them, "If we can get to the hatch on its back I can disable it like before." Donnie said, as he blocked some of the robots strikes.

Karai overheard him and spoke, "Not this time, Donatello. Stockman improved on it, so your methods like last time won't save you."

"Then we'll just break it like before." Raph said, as he attacked Chrome Dome, only to get grabbed by the head and thrown into Mikey. Donnie had tried fighting it single handed, but got thrown aside into Raph and Mikey.

"Guys!" Leo called, as he went to try and help, but Karai blocked him.

"Why don't you join them?" Karai suggested, as she morphed into her snake mutant form. And struck Leo, before throwing him into the pile of his brothers.

The girls saw Karai's mutant form and were repulsed. Especially Rarity who gasped, "Oh, dear lord."

"That is sick, and not in a good way." Pinkie added.

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