After The Storm (chapter 29)

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Chapter 29

Elsa's POV

My heart drops, when I see Anna tied up in ropes, all alone in a corner. She can't see me, but how did she get here? suddenly, the question no longer exists, because in walks in...


Oh no...

He walks over to Anna, and kneels down.

"Do you ever want to see your sister again?" he says.

Anna manages to pull the cloth from her mouth to talk.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" she yells, and I can tell she is on the verge of tears, like I said, she gets scared easily.

"Well, I guess if you don't want me to hurt her, I guess I will have to hurt you." I gasp loudly, but quiet enough that they can't hear me. I hear footsteps, and they get quieter and quieter. I look back in the room, and Anna is the only one in there, tears streaming down her face. this is my only chance to save her, so I run in the room, and slide down next to her.

"Elsa...?!" Anna says, shouting quietly. I wrap my arms around her, and I feel her hot tears slide onto my shoulder.

"It's ok..." I say to her. "how did you get here...?" I ask quietly.

"Well I went to the trolls, because I had more questions to ask, but they wouldn't wake up, and then I suddenly blacked out." she says and I take my hand, and wipe the tears from her face.

"We have to get out of here before Ha......" I couldn't finish my sentence because I heard footsteps.

"Go! hide!" Anna whispers to me, and I run outside the room. I peek my head in like last time, and watch and listen. Hans appeared in the room, but holding a sword this time.

"Look, if I don't become king, one of you two are gonna be dead, got it?" Hans said firmly to Anna.

"You will never be able to be king, you are banned from Arendelle!" Anna yelled.

"Well then I only have one choice, and that is to kill one of you." he says with a smirk. Hans starts to walk towards Anna, with his sword. Anna begins to back up, until she hits the wall. That's it.....

I stand up in the middle of the doorway and yell.


Hans immediately turns around and his eyes widen.

"Try to make me stop." he says and turns back around. its time for Hans, to get a little cold.

I point my hands towards him, and ice surrounds him. it starts to circle him, and he has no where to go.

"Anna, run!" I yell to her, but she shakes her head.

"I'm not leaving without you!" she yells back. suddenly, the ice stops circling, and Hans is free. what? why did it stop?

"Sorry Elsa but Anna is now mine." he says with a laugh. he throws Anna on his shoulder, and she kicks and screams.

"Let her down!" I say and strike him with ice. he collapses, but he gets right back up.


He turns back at me, then runs out of the castle. I try to run after him, but I trip over the stairs.

I look up at them, and I see one last glimpse of Anna, looking straight at me, with tears in her eyes.

I break down, right there in the snow.

My sister, gone. We're torn apart...

(((End of chapter 29! hope you liked it! don't forget to follow me and vote if you like what you see! thanks!)))

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