Chapter 7- Dreams are real

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A/N: So sorry it took me so long to update but I have been super busy. Thanks for waiting :) Okay so this chapter takes you inside Treasure's mind while she changing. Physically she is at Christians house but in her mind she is taken into the past to see some very important things that happened. Happy reading all my wonderful fans and readers


Everything is swirling so fast that I’m beginning to lose my balance. I grab my head to steady myself, and then everything goes black. 

Flashes of lights and distorted images are rolling in and out of the darkness. My stomach is dropping by all the fast moving scenes in my mind. Then I fall. It’s like watching a movie of yourself falling into empty black nothingness, but you’re powerless to stop it. Just as quickly as it began it all stopped. 

I am standing in a dense forest. Up ahead is a small wooden cabin. From this distance it seems to be dimly lit and there are no cars or other signs of life. Not even a bird chirping or bees humming. This is all so odd, how did I get here? I lean against a tree for support, only to go right through it and fall on my backside. Damn! What the hell! I stand to wipe the dirt off me, but there is none.

For the first time I look at my hands and notice faint lavender colored glow emitting from my skin. This has to be one of those strange dreams again. Last time I stood on a cloud, this time I’m falling through trees with light coming out of my skin. Maybe it’s time to lay off the caffeine.

My internal conversation is cut short by a woman’s ear piercing scream. The scream is coming from the cabin that I’m certain of. Before my eyes my aberration form disappears and reappears inside the small cabin.

The room is small and the only decoration is the bed in the center of it. Lying on the bed is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is wearing a long cream colored gown and sweating profusely. There is a tall, lanky man wiping her forehead but I can’t see his face because his back is too me. I risk a step forward for a closer look when the woman looks up directly into my eyes.

Her beaming eyes stop me mid step as I’m drawn in to her warmth. She smiles briefly before screaming again. The man says something to her I can’t her and then kneels in between her legs. Having a clear view of her now I can see she is clearly pregnant. Meaning the screaming and sweating are happening because she is giving birth.

This is all so strange. What is point of me dreaming about a woman giving birth that I don’t know? Whatever, this dream seems pointless. Okay it’s time to wake up Treasure. I turn around to the main entrance of the cabin reaching for the door handle. Just like the tree incident my hand goes through it. Now what?

Hmm maybe if I imagine waking up my ghostly self-will disappear the same way it appeared in here. Sounds logical enough to me. I close my eyes and focus all my strength on waking up in my bed. Seconds later I open my eyes still in the cabin with the screaming woman. So that didn’t work, well maybe I can just walk through walls after all this is just a dream. I walk straight to the door with confidence that I was going through it. I ran into it face first instead and it actually hurt.

So I’m stuck in this dream until I actually wake up on my own, great. I turn my attention back to the couple just as he pulls a bloody covered crying baby from between her. Eww that I did not need to see. He placed the baby in her arms and for the first time I can see his face. My breath caught in my throat. My heart ceased to beat.

The tall, lanky man with disheveled light brown hair and unshaved face is a man I have known my whole life. I’m looking at my father, Gary Reed.

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