Chapter Three: Beautiful Warmth.

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Mikoto slowly lifted up Kashika, who began to hit his chest, pretty hard night I add. "No! No let go of me, please stop!" Kashika whimpered, it broke everyone that she was reliving her dark past.

"Kashika, stop." Mikoto activated his aura, and his eyes locked onto the beautiful green ones that belonged to the scared woman in his arms. "M-Mikoto.." Were her last words, right before she pasted out in his arms. The anger lingered in Mikoto, but what was more important was keeping the woman in his arms safe.

Izumo now placed his jacket on top of the sleeping woman, his King nodding in his direction. "Fuck! That bastard got away, he's a fucking strain!" Yata yelled, making poor Akihiko yelp. "S-sorry.." Yata muttered.

"Let's get her back to Homra, Totsuka, call her brothers, I'm sure they'll be worried about her, it's past six now." Izumo said, but Akihiko spoke up.

"Dad and uncle don't get home till late, they aren't ever really around.." Akihiko mumbled, it was no wonder why Reisi and Osamu wanted to keep their little family a secret, there was no one there to protect them..

"Yata, Rikio, go to their headquarters immediately, if they aren't there, demand to know where they are, tell them that their queen is in trouble." Izumo signed, knowing that was the only way to get the blues to show up.

Once Mikoto stepped foot into Homra Bar, he was questioned by everyone, but he choose to ignore it and walked up to his room, but a pair of fists hit his stomach. "What do you think you're doing with my auntie?! She-she isn't some doll you can play with!" Cute little Akihiko yelled, his body erupted with a vibrant blue color.

"I-I might not be strong like Uncle Reisi, or-or smart like my dad, but that's my auntie, and if you hurt her.. I'll kill you!" Members of Homra chuckled at the little blue prince, who blushed in embarrassment.

Mikoto smirked, 'kids brave'. "Come on little man, we have to let her rest." Akihiko and Anna followed the king upstairs, leaving everyone wondering why the Blue Queen was all bloody and beaten up.

Three hours later, Reisi, Osamu and Saruhiko ran through the doors of Homra. "Where is she?!" Reisi looked at Izumo, who wanted nothing more than to punch the three men in the face, sighed and glared at them.

"She's upstairs, resting." Izumo never made eye contact with the Blue King, because if he did, he wouldn't be able to control himself. Reisi and the other two, ran up the stairs and found their beloved little sister in the arms of Mikoto, Anna and Akihiko.

Kashika was up, but her sobs could be heard, she felt like her world was crashing, her old wounds opened up again, leaving her feeling like she was slowing bleeding out. All because of a man, a man she hated.

"K-Kashika.." Reisi stared at his sister, who was still only in her bra and shorts. She had a fresh, long scar on her stomach that Mikoto was tending to, and little cuts all over her body. There was slap marks on her face, and love bites on her neck that she absolutely hated.

"Kashika, who did this?!" Osamu growled, storming towards his sister, which only made her scared. She hid behind Mikoto, who sent a small glare at the older man.

"Why would you care?!" Akihiko always voiced his opinion, no matter who it was and if they were his superiors or even his family, he didn't care. "Akihiko, we do care-"

"No, I'm sick of hearing you care! You don't, if you cared, you wouldn't let auntie get hurt again! Y-you wouldn't leave us every damn day!" Akihiko cried, it was clear to everyone in Homra, the Munakata's weren't as perfect as they seemed.

"You wouldn't make Aunt Kashika stay up all night, waiting for you two to get home, you wouldn't make her cry! If you cared, you wouldn't make us hurt, daddy my heart hurts and I'm-I'm tired of hurting." Akihiko was crying a waterfall, making his father and uncles world come crumbling down.

Kashika finally snapped out of her fear, and felt angry, she felt so angry at her brother. "You." Kashika stood up, and slapped her eldest brother.

"Take Anna and Akihiko downstairs." Mikoto sighed, but complied.

Osamu held his cheek, but didn't do anything to his sister who was struggling to stand up. "You will never make your son worry about if you will come home or not anymore, you will not make him feel like he is alone in this world, like his father is a dead beat, because that's exactly what you fucking are." Kashika was so filled with rage.

"You know, I'm always waiting for the phone call.. The one where they tell me you died in battle, and the sick thing is, I've been prepared for it the moment Akihiko was born. It might as well be just the two of us." Kashika wasn't done, not even close. She turned to her twin brother, in sadness and rage.

"Reisi.." Kashika let tears flow down her face again, revealing her tired face. "I'm tired, I'm so damn tired of waking up every morning and pretending to be okay with everything you do." Kashika whimpered, further crushing her brothers hearts.

"Y-you leave without a simple goodbye.. You barely have time for your own nephew who adores you.. Saruhiko is a better uncle than you are, and-and my own twin brother.. Didn't even celebrate our birthday together.." Kashika laughed, wiping away her tears.

"P-please Kashika.." Reisi grabbed his sisters hand, who just snatched it away. "Me and Akihiko will be leaving for awhile, don't expect us at the house, and don't contact us until you're actually going to be a damn good parent and uncle." Kashika turned to walk towards the door.

"Kashika, don't go! Tell us how to fix this.." Osamu didn't even try holding his tears in anymore.

"You can't fix it. You were suppose to protect me, you were suppose to protect us."

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