Chapter One; Bow Down Pesants

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^Akihiko Munakata
Third Person's Point of View.
It was just another normal day for the Munakata family, the two men of the household were relaxing quietly, as their dear sister cooked breakfast, you could hear the soft snores coming from upstairs, and the humming of Kashika as the eggs sizzled on the frying pan.

Reisi was deciphering a puzzle, while drinking jasmine tea and Osamu was reading the newspaper, having his morning coffee. "So, Reisi, Osamu, you'll be careful today right?" No matter how hard the brothers tried hiding that they were going to go on an important mission, that could get them killed, Kashika always found out.

Reisi sighed, sharing a look with Osamu who just shrugged. "Who told you this time?" Usually, it was that idiot Saruhiko, whom just happened to be best friends with his younger sister. "Oh I don't have to ask anymore, it's written all over your face~" Kashika sang, giggling and set two plates in front of the men, who just nodded in appreciation.

Silence was something they all enjoyed, since their hectic lives were always noisy. Reisi being King of the Blue clan, and Osamu being his right hand man, they always had to be very direct, and use their voice to demand order. Kashika however, stayed home and watched her adorable nephew, he was quite a handful, but nevertheless she loved him dearly.

Heavy footsteps were coming down the stairs of the siblings two story house that they shared, and their stood the lazy prince; Munakata Akihiko. Kashika smiled sweetly at the sleepy nephew of hers, and kissed his forehead as she placed orange juice, a plate full of pancakes, eggs and bacon in front of him.

"'Morning dear, hurry up and eat, today we are going to see Saruhiko at the park." Akihiro's big blue eyes lit up in delight, and he quickly devoured his food. He was only 12, and he looked up to Saruhiko. Since he was homeschooled, it wasn't a problem to just do his homework later.

"We are off now Kashika." Reisi said, as him and his brother tried slipping through the door, but was stopped by Kashika. "Be safe you two, I better see you at this dinner table, 7pm sharp!" Kashika warned them, the glare she gave them sent a shiver down their spines. She truly was sickly sweet.

After Akihiro was ready, the two set out to the park they usually met Saruhiko at. While Akihiro got to play with kids his age, the older older adults sat down at a little picnic table.

"Saru, I'm worried about them, everyday they get more and more secretive." Kashika sighed, giving her best friend a pleading look.

"Shika, I promise if I knew anything, I would tell you." Saruhiko knew that his best friend felt abandoned from her eldest brothers, and only wanted to know if they were being safe.


Why did Kashika know that her nephew was getting in trouble? She sighed, and got up walking over to where a little circle was formed.

"I said bow down peasants! Don't you know who I am?!" Kashika pushed threw the crowd, until she seen her nephew glaring at a man that was lifting him in the air.

The said girl gasped, and rushed to her nephews rescue. "Hey, put him down! What do you think you're doing to my nephew?!" Kashika bonked the man wearing a beanie, with a white long sleeved shirt and black shorts.

"H-he started it!"
"I don't care who the hell started it! He's 12, you're an adult!" Kashika scolded the man, as his friends chuckle around them. "And you guys, why didn't you do anything?! Do you think it's alright to pick on children? Huh?" Kashika sent them a heavy glare, scaring the shit out of the members of Homra.

"Well hello.. Mi~sa~ki. Picking on children I see." Saruhiko chuckled, facing this 'Misaki' person. "So that's your name? I should call the police." Kashika huffed, hugging her baby nephew tightly.

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