Noelle and the TARDIS

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A/N this short chapter is mostly about Noelle, and exploring The Vet's TARDIS. If you skip it you won't miss much, but I'd still appreciate if you didn't skip this chapter, thanks.



Noelle sat up suddenly and looked around, forgetting at first where she was. Then she remembered, the TARDIS had lurched and she'd hit her head.

She stood up and went to the console room hoping for an explanation, but no one was there. The she remembered Koyoko and Sindi, and sprinted off to the library to make sure they didn't get hurt.

She couldn't find them anywhere, no one was there, no cats, no Timelords, just Noelle. She was beginning to panic, she couldn't find anyone in any of the rooms in the endlessly huge TARDIS through which she navigated poorly.

Then the TARDIS hummed slightly louder for a second, and an area lit up around a door Noelle hadn't noticed before, with a dark blue door and a silver door knob.

Noelle walked over to the door and hesitated before opening it. Inside was what could only be described as a little universe. The dome-shaped room was huge, and had navy blue walls with small glowing dots of all colours on the walls, and the floor matched. More stars and planets and asteroids and plutoids and everything else that makes up the universe were projected in great detail from a small pitch black sphere suspended by nothing in the exact centre of the room. It looked so real, like walking into the infinite complexity of space and leaving everything else behind. And it was absolutely silent, so painfully silent that Noelle covered her ears and stepped back out of the room for a moment. The room was silent, and the air tasted of nothing, and smelt of nothing, and once you stepped inside it was like you couldn't feel anything, the air lost all of it's mass and volume and it felt as if everything was closing in on her and pulling and separating and ripping her apart all at the same time. It was frightening.

Noelle took a deep breath before entering the room once more. She wanted to go in the room and look around, however frightening it was. And after a moment, after she was fully in the room and had closed the door, it wasn't so frightening anymore. Noelle walked toward the centre of the room, feeling near weightlessness in the silence.

All of her other senses were useless in this room, so relying only on her vision she navigated, she couldn't feel the ground beneath her feet, and it was like being in a dream. She looked at everything, every projected star in the seemingly endless room, every little detail on every small piece of space junk floating around. It truly was beautiful. She couldn't even hear herself breathing, of feel herself breathing.

When this registered in her mind all the serene and peaceful thoughts left her head immediately and she rushed to the door and stepped out, closing it behind her. She took a deep breath and felt her heart beating rapidly fast.

Noelle sat down, leaner her back against the door. She felt heavy, and cold, and frightened by her experience.

"What the hell was that?" she muttered, and as if replying, the TARDIS hummed a little louder and yet another door Noelle had never seen before was illuminated in a bright white light.

Noelle, being unusually curious for some reason, walked over and opened the silver metal door and looked inside.

She immediately closed the door and stepped back. The room had been filled with fire.

"Oh god, why am I even opening these stupid doors anyway? and why is all this unsafe and freaking terrifying stuff in here?!" Noelle asked the air around her angrily, before walking off down the corridor with the intention of finding the console room.

She was distracted by a very lifelike projection of a man whom Noelle had never seen before in her life.

He had dirty blond hair that was short and messy, and his eyes were orange with icy blue specks in them. His light skin was mostly covered by a military uniform, dark grey clothes and black pants and a dark grey jacket with black gloves. He had a large gun at his side, and he was starring blankly ahead of him with sadness and fear in his eyes. Only his face was uncovered, and it was covered in dirt and ash and sweat.

This man's name was Madua, but Noelle didn't know that. This was the TARDIS interface projection, so that it could communicate with Noelle easier.

Noelle froze looking at him, he was muscular and very intimidating, though he was standing perfectly still.

"H-hello? sir?" Noelle asked, looking at him warily.

"Greetings Human," The interface said in a deep, yet vaguely robotic voice, "I am security protocol four-eight-seven-two-three, in the event of a spacial disturbance so great that the interior was split, each life form is to be guided to the console room for safety until stabilisation."

"Ok..." Noelle said before the man turned suddenly and looked directly at her, then nodded and turned down a corridor. Noelle followed and was soon in the console room, with the man standing near the door.

"Do not exit, you are in a time-locked pocket parallel, and will be lost if you exit. Stay here until we are repaired." The man said, before disappearing.

Noelle just stood there, looking at where the man had just been.

The TARDIS then made a loud groan and shook slightly, before the door opened and Cardinal ran in and looked at Noelle before checking something on the console, then he sighed, relieved, and sat down on the jumpseat.

"Uhh, what was..." Noelle started, looking quizzically at Cardinal

"Nothing important." Cardinal replied, before standing and walking to the door again, "go find Koyoko and Sindi, tell them everything is fine, that's all." he said, before leaving and closing the door behind him, leaving Noelle alone in the console room once more.

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